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Everything posted by PRONG HORN

  1. He asked his barber to make him look like an ant?
  2. Maybe even use the insurance to switch to an all wheel drive.
  3. Swerving lessons. Never avoid so hard that you lose control. Maybe a specialized driving school where they go over and then practice different scenarios.
  4. I never obsess over putting them away for the summer but I also store them inside the house. They're never in a garage or attic. Sun and Ski isn't good enough? Get a home rig. Just install the two vices and do all that yourself. here?
  5. I wonder if this one goes downs on her girlfriend.
  6. Because he has his shirt unbuttoned halfway down, a bunch of chains on, lots of other jewelry, and is overly dramatic? pic from article
  7. People don't like having the truth pointed out to them sometimes. This is why Dances With Wolves has never been very popular on the movie boards from HF all the way to Surly. Posters had a hard time getting past their guilt and because of that, thought the movie wasn't very good. They didn't understand that that feeling wasn't produced by the movie itself. It came from within.
  8. I was googling for nude pics of the hot limo Nazi (Suzanne Snyder) from Seinfeld, and found out she was Deb from Weird Science. She also played another character on Seinfeld.
  9. True Seinfeldians know it to be fact. You're an impostor.
  10. The last two and a half seasons sucked. Kind of like Seinfeld. Just not the same stuff that made the show great.
  11. This is a water snake. It screams watersnake. The band behind the eyes aligns with all the pics of watersnake. Compared to cottonmouth, the band is not as smooth, and has a bit of a downturn to it. Compare it to the dark band behind the eye of a cottonmouth. water snake cottonmouth
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