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Posts posted by Irieguy

  1. 1 hour ago, Tex-19 said:

    Random thought experiment - what do you think the line on this game would have been with a fully healthy Card and with a healthy Ewers? 

    Line opened at -14 and is currently -12.5. I'm gonna say it would've been around -18 with healthy Card and -25 with Ewers. 

    No single player in the history of football is worth 11 points. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

    All 3 quarterbacks got work? Did I hear that right? WTF is going on here? I guess healthier means better.

    You did not hear that right. They all progressed. They all got better. That does not mean they got work. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Cajun said:

    Maybe he's saying that if they use the same game plan moving forward the future competition will take the Texas blueprint and bludgeon them with that.

    Sark and Co exposed just about every weakness.

    Yes. The blueprint of perfectly executing complicated offensive plays and having a Whittington type in space. Always an easy one to replicate. Oh and playing stifling defense by controlling the line of scrimmage.

    • Haha 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, Creasy Bear said:

    My point is that putting this loss on Card is crazy. He didn’t win it but he certainly didn’t lose it. I was highlighting Bijan’s effort and asking why is he being given a pass? Especially when he’s this other worldly talent which Card is not.

    We lost this game because we couldn’t run the football. 

    @mrhorn is right.  You are a fucking retard.

    • Haha 1
  5. I’m completing my last two drafts in the Drafters Best Ball Million. 150 entries. $3,000. 3,000 picks. I’m thoroughly exhausted but I’m glad I did it. There should be overlay. It’s at 39,000 entries out of 50,000 needed for Drafters to break even. 20% overlay. 

    Oh and I get a free t-shirt for drafting the maximum 150 teams. 😂

  6. 1 hour ago, freyguy said:

    It is pretty shitty that they can't work this out.  Of all the problems married couples can have, this would have to be one of the easiest ones to figure out.  Each of them have more money, fame and health than anyone else.  Tom doesn't need to do any of this anymore.  Boggles my mind that you would choose "one more season" against spending time other the family.  I'm betting that there's been some infidelity along the way and the marriage itself dissolved some time ago.

    Who says they can’t work it out? She didn’t file for divorce. She’s upset. What wife isn’t? And adulation is a hell of a drug. You and I have never experienced a fraction of what Tom has received. It’s tough to turn down. We see it over and over again with athletes coming back. 

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    Hey you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. And you can't become the goat without breaking a few promises to your family.

    It’s interesting that you have low expectations for baby daddies. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    For the Team Gisele/“Tom is a shitty husband and father” crew, what kind of person airs dirty personal laundry about their husband in a book? That doesn’t seem like a wise plan towards a healthy, lasting marriage. She’s also not being very supportive. If he plays one or two more seasons who gives a shit? Once he shuts it off, he will be done and the main part of his identity will be gone or changed forever. Does it really matter if he’s 43, 44, or 45 when he retires? And are we really pretending he puts in more than 40 hours a week M-F like us working stiffs? OMG for 7 months a year he’s out of the house 6-8 hours M-F and gone on half the weekends! How will we endure in our mansion with mommy and daddy’s collective $600M? Pobrecitos all around!

    This is a really shitty post. There’s numerous verified articles about him being first in the building and the last out. Now I don’t believe all of that is productive time but it’s time away from the family. A ton of it. And nobody believes he will be significantly less busy once he retires. He will immediately start obsessing on preparing for his announcing gig. Giselle has a legitimate complaint. Of course she should have known he wouldn’t change. And she isn’t really demanding he quit. It’s an opening move and they will compromise in the middle like all couples do. Just more publicly. People insist on painting this black and white and it isn’t. 

    Also, it will be tough for Tom to retire at 43 or 44 since he’s 45. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Bevo said:

    I don't know what game y'all were watching. Casey looked much improved. He especially connected well on the long ball and did quite well with the intermediate and check-downs as welll. It probably helped that he had a long time in the pocket, though. Angilou looked much improved in pass protection as did Karic and Jones. Billingsley provided solid blocking as well and was a great outlet. Blue probabably outperformed Bijan a bit, but maybe Johnson was a little dinged up from his heavy practice load. On defense, it looks like Brockermeyer is finally fully healed and Foster was always there to clean up the misses. Ovie was spectacular and was helped by an ever improving Jett Bush. I counted at least 8 quarterback pressures and 6 tackles for loss by our interior defense led by Collins and Broughton. I really don't think we could have asked for more from an opening game. Bring on Bama.


  10. 8 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    Bullshit. The closest game to this one was a 56-7 win over New Mexico State, that Texas trailed up until 1:48 to go in the 2Q. Texas never trailed in this game, and could have wiped Monroe out in the 2H if they had wanted to get Ewers as many reps as possible. Monroe never threatened the Texas RZ when the 1st or 2nd team defense were in the game, and the STs contributed big plays.

    Monroe had 259 total yards, with 100 coming after Texas was up 52-3. I think the defense had a very productive game with 8 TFL and 3 sacks, and that is with Monroe going Jimbo with the play clock.

    I guess I dreamt Overshown getting a goal line stop. Weird. @HtownHorn

  11. 1 hour ago, cmontexas said:

    Everyone talking about star ratings and the talent level of the defense is completely overlooking what's probably the biggest issue and that's the multiple (at least 3) different agendas among the defensive coaching staff

    *Coach K and Choate vs the Muschamp guys


    *Bo Davis doing what he wants with the d linemen


    You could be 01 Miami in terms of defensive talent but if the coaches arent pulling in the same direction you arent gonna stop anybody. This is the biggest challenge for Sarkisian imo to pull everything together. 

    Lol. It’s well known that 2001 Miami coached itself. Coker was along for the ride. Do a little research before posting. 

  12. 1 hour ago, TexasEx said:

    You know this is precisely how it will go down if Card starts the season. He'll light up ULM. Some will think he's much improved and praise Sark the QB whisperer. Our offense will seem unstoppable and our defense improved. Kool aid will be had once again. By the second quarter of the Bama game, Card already will have thrown two picks and we'll be down 24-3. The crowd, growing increasingly restless, will start the Ewers chant. The TV crew will pan to the student section with four hundred drunk mother fuckers wearing Joe Dirt wigs. They'll tell the story about Ewers's recruitment and transfer from Ohio State twelve times. Just before half, Bama will bring the heat again. Card will pirouette around the pocket before having his helmet ripped off and nose bloodied by Will Anderson. He'll cough up the rock for a Bama scoop and score to end the half. TV  crew pans to Sark squatting on 40-yard line, head in hands. Halftime alcohol sales will hit an all-time high. 

    They'll trot Ewers out in the second half. The crowd will go wild. He'll light it up for a few series, then throw a couple picks to seal the loss. 50-21 Bama. QB play will be up and down for the rest of the year. The controversy will continue through the season. How do I know all this? Because #We'reTexas

    Imagine taking all the time to type this while Ewers is being named the starter. 😂

    • Haha 1
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