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Everything posted by Genco

  1. I'm sure Hambonita's timeline was comprised of thoughtful deliberations of civil liberties and a spirited, good faith intellectual debates.
  2. I'm going to keep an open mind until I hear what Randy Quaid and Gary Busey have to say about bitcoin.
  3. You can't see it in the picture but the DeSantis doll also comes with 6 inch gogo boots.
  4. Well aside from the $787MM defamation settlement and the upcoming Smartmatic lawsuit. Otherwise you're right. Both sides, totally samesies, etc.
  5. Right. You're another persecuted conservative. What a heavy cross to bear. It's not that you're defending a uniquely toxic, malign bigot who launders white nationalist talking points. No, it's because you're a conservative.
  6. It's a lot easier to "not dignify that with a response" than it is to try to defend the indefensible.
  7. Cryptic, conspiratorial, the deep state/pentaverate suppressing some secret knowledge that Tucker will reveal sometime in the future. It was a halfass Q drop laundered with some $5 buzzwords and a horoscopic writing style.
  8. Genco

    Equalizer 3

    Lupita is all grown up.
  9. Because Jason Kidd didn't hold a press conference yesterday so they had to go to plan B.
  10. Prepare for three segments breaking down the Jerry audio today.
  11. TV fan are ya? Well, we'll call you...Groove Tube!
  12. Getting celebrities with millions of followers to disavow and reject the service/checkmark that you gifted them is certainly an outside-the-box marketing strategy.
  13. The speaker of the house is having quite the weekend.
  14. You think Trump has the discipline to pass up the opportunity to embarrass DeSantis and the rest of the 3rd stringers on the debate stage in front of a sycophant moderator on prime time television? Respectfully agree to disagree.
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