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Burt Macklin

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Burt Macklin

  1. Yeah, I would certainly like Hudson to be in our class, but he’s currently listed as a composite top 10 prospect in the country. I don’t see that at all. I expect he will drop as we get further in the process.
  2. No. The tyres are super tricky in F2, and drivers struggle with tires more in F2 than F1. The F2 cars are slower and create less downforce, so F1 cars can put energy into their tires quicker.
  3. I don’t really get all the concern from drivers about getting rid of tyre blankets. F2 and F3 don’t use them, and those drivers handle it just fine without having any safety issues.
  4. Yep. Joe Tryon was a 6’5, 230 lb 3 star out of a small town in WA, and PK turned him into a first round pick.
  5. I think it’s supposed to be back up on t Thursday so we shouldn’t miss much Canada GP content at least.
  6. You spelled university wrong.
  7. We don’t want him there either. He should be isolated to the Cloak Room.
  8. The staff wants to replace him. They've tried moving guys to Center two years in a row, but none of them have been able to outperform Majors so far. I like the move, but Conner was quite a bit worse than Majors last year, so it's far from a given he can win the job.
  9. Definitely a weird move. What could be better advertising than the Corvette beating out Ferraris, Porsches, etc.? That's the market they're trying to poach with the Z06. But I guess the bright side is at least they didn't pull a Honda and shut the team down the year before they win.
  10. Some say Charles was in Ferrari’s garage at Le Mans because he loves the Scuderia. I choose to believe he was there scouting a new pit wall team.
  11. Definitely seems like there’s something wrong with Leclerc’s car. He said the back right was off so he lost time on every left turn. Might be suspension or chassis. On the bright side, this may be the first time Ferrari’s ever brought an upgrade that actually makes them faster. We’ll see how their tyres do in the race.
  12. I’m not sure Williams is aware these are ground effect cars
  13. They changed the circuit so it’s about 4-5 seconds quicker this year.
  14. I think we can play Disu, Shedrick, and Mitchell at the 4/5 and get all of them 20+ minutes a game, and we especially need to limit Disu’s minutes in games where we don’t need him with all his injury history. But it will be tricky naming the starters. I don’t think any of those 3 would be happy with not being named a starter. Maybe we start most games big and sub one out early. I don’t think Cunningham or Weaver would have a problem coming off the bench.
  15. Not a fan of the edit. The mascots are not nearly saturated enough.
  16. Yeah, I’d say Holland’s making 500k minimum and probably more. G League Ignite has been increasing their pay the last few years.
  17. So Beard recruited two guys who had no interest in playing school. G League is better than him going to Arky at least.
  18. Here’s another good one of the RB floor.
  19. One of the coolest parts of the Monaco race was that we got detailed pictures of a lot of teams’ underfloors. It’s pretty crazy how much more intricate RB’s floor is than Ferrari or Merc. It blows my mind that Merc and Ferrari have such simple looking floors in comparison. I’d love to see this type of shot to see what AM’s floor looks like, but I haven’t seen any despite Stroll not even finishing the race.
  20. Supposedly Ferrari is changing their sidepods as part of their upgrade package this week. So it seems the whole grid will be moving to the RB downwash style sidepods. I’m not looking forward to Spain as a Ferrari fan. That track is going to murder Ferrari’s front tires. I expect they’ll be near RB in quali and then the 4th fastest car in the race.
  21. Lmao. Alpine just can’t help themselves. They really are the aggy of F1.
  22. Tell that to daddy98. He had 4 of his Agtag buddies in Tomball buy boats this year.
  23. Nothing says “gettin ready for a natty” like going 5-7 in Year 5.
  24. Yes, I’m sure the form of payment will be much more important to him than the amount.
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