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Burt Macklin

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Burt Macklin

  1. *except for when the Saudis throw obscene amounts of money at them.
  2. aggy wearing these jerseys where they try to hide the “Aggies” as much as possible always cracks me up. All of their hatred for us stems from them wanting to be us, but having to settle for aggy.
  3. MSU has a huge booster that provides them with a lot of NIL funds for transfers. It’s not really surprising if you look at the transfer schools he was considering. It was basically just a list of the schools that are willing to throw out the most money.
  4. This was one of the most special collection of players of any team I can remember in any sport for Texas. These guys were awesome and it was a joy to root for them all year. I hope we can return as many of them as possible and best of luck to all the guys who are out of eligibility.
  5. That’s the whole point. I think most would agree the roster is double digit wins good. It’s Sark. His teams always have a few games a year where they don’t show up, and he almost never makes adjustments. He’s been a HC for 9 years at very good programs and never once won 10 games. There’s probably a reason for that. No amount of talent was going to make us win that TCU game, because Sark got thoroughly out coached the entire game and didn’t even try to adjust until the 4th quarter when it was way too late. On top of that, we’ll be finding out what impact GP had on the defense last year since he’s gone now.
  6. We are still a very, very long ways away from reaching this point.
  7. Bravo, sir. This is a Swoopes Should Starts level take. We’ve needed a Stroll stan on this board for a while. Happy to have you!
  8. I’m not sure how starting P5 moving up to P4 (should’ve been P6 up to P5 if not for Leclerc grid penalty) is much of an accomplishment when you’re in the second fastest car. This is one of the most absurd F1 takes I’ve ever read. Norris was extremely good the last two years. He was the only non-big 3 driver to get a podium last year. He’s one of the top talents in the sport. Stroll is not even close.
  9. They are really twisting their tiny little brains into pretzels trying to convince themselves that Jimbo willingly gave up play calling.
  10. I saw some people whine about how Ocon’s penalty wasn’t overturned in Bahrain. Something tells me that Alpine, the team who couldn’t even figure out how to get Piastri to sign a binding contract, may not have presented as good of an argument as Aston Martin.
  11. It’s like I’’ve always said, if Shaka could just learn how to coach basketball, he could be a great basketball coach.
  12. We are going to fuck those Xavier bitches up. They lost to Shaka “I run breathing exercises not plays” Smart twice this year.
  13. And that was with MSU shorting absolutely terrible from 3. MSU missed so many open 3s and still won comfortably because there was no gameplan for Marquette. The player had no idea what to do or how to beat MSU.
  14. Hearing Shaka spent his TO leading breathing exercises while his team looks completely scared like a deer in the headlights the last couple minutes while Izzo’s team ran out the clock and always got to the rim was absolute perfection. Just a crystal clear comparison of what you get with Shaka versus someone who actually coaches his team.
  15. Yeah, if we’re talking Sweet Sixteen opponents, I think it’s a pretty decent draw for us Yeah, but that’s mainly because Pitt sucks.
  16. Gasly had it happen last year at AT, and I think I remember a couple others last year.
  17. It’s crazy how often teams screw up serving the 5 second penalty. Almost as crazy as how much Ferrari have regressed over the offseason. Binotto left the team with a real winner of a car this year
  18. I don’t think we’ll see any two stops unless there are safety cars. Jeddah is very low deg.
  19. Max and Charles will have to be careful. The midfield is chaos on this circuit. Both will have to hope for an over it and a well-timed safety car.
  20. Fucking fucking fuck Ferrari. Leclerc would’ve been on the front row if not for the grid penalty. He once again found those extra few tenths in Q3 and rinses everyone besides the RBs.
  21. He also shot 39% from the field and 54% from the line. He’s a good player, and I like him a lot, but he did stuff just like in today’s game his entire time here under Shaka too, and I certainly don’t miss that part of his game.
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