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Everything posted by tucker

  1. Chi town seems like a permabull. If you only have $1m, you shouldn’t be paying anyone to manage your money. Do index funds. I’d say the value of paying someone falls between the $5m-$10m range as you can get real service and not totally get bent over on fees. I’m thinking to start buying again. I expect we are getting close to the bottom.
  2. Lulz, the crying guy saying Bernie is for the “Everyman” no one talks like that except political consultants
  3. China already blocks a lot of companies from operating in China. The US is only blocking 1 company
  4. Wonder how true these stories coming out are
  5. If you work for a public company, you should delete that.
  6. omgggg, she had corporate clients. i guess she can't be a socialist now?
  7. may also have helped Travelers indirectly disingenuous fucktard
  8. Should we just call it what it is now? We have created internment camps for brown people.
  9. Cross posting from football forums since Jim Jordan is implicated
  10. Pre-shop cost cutting already in effect. Order chicken strips today, and they left out the chicken. Only noticed when I got home. 🤬
  11. Some war hawk dems will help Bolton and team start another cluster fuck in the Middle East
  12. Going to donate $1k to her. She makes me hard.
  13. This place is a shithole
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Lighthizer
  15. VPs at the top E&C firms make around $400k base
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