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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Well when your children are middle aged and you installed them in positions of power in your administration, then yeah, they’re fair game you fucking traitor.
  2. Hitler and those surrounding him were also seen as bumbling fools. They were very much underestimated Have you not been paying attention to anything that has been happening this past year? The number of those that support the Big Lie running for positions that were key in preventing trump from being installed the last go around is frightening.
  3. The coup is still in motion. We lucked out a year ago. I hate the mindset that thinks that everything is just fine now when in reality we are still in a lot of danger
  4. Because then his team will lose if more people vote. Not much more to it than that.
  5. Imma use mine next time at the liquor store
  6. Republicans are vile pieces of shit, nothing new
  7. He’s just asking questions. Nevermind actual proof of anything. Questions!
  8. If SCOTUS rules against the city, I hope they immediately put up an Islam flag
  9. Very excited about the rest of the season
  10. Are you atherosclerotic assholes ever not talking about food?
  11. If we’re counting on corporations to save us then we’re already fucked. Just look at the corporations that supported the Nazis. Even today, the ones that said they would stop contributions to congressman that voted against certification went back to funding them. Corporations won’t save us, they’ll profit off fascism and the dissolution of the republic.
  12. You’re replying to someone that supports traitors. You’re wasting your time.
  13. We don’t. The sooner we accept that the easier it will be when it all comes to an end. Start planning where you’ll move. I’m thinking Australia, my bff and his wife are already citizens there.
  14. Sack is such a piece of shit, boot licking traitor. I’ll say it again, fucking traitor.
  15. Really good movie. Will be interesting to see how the future of Spider man plays out. And Tom Holland, fucking christ he managed to get even hotter for this movie 🥵
  16. I don't think there has been an angrier reaction because most people don’t really understand what the decision means.
  17. Oh we can fund them greatly. But the GQP has convinced a significant portion of people to vote against their own interests and communities. So ya know
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