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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. This pinhead doesn't even look the part.
  2. aggy idiocy - it's turdition
  3. This game is problematic if both Ewers and Card are still dinged up and we have a big letdown emotionally after the Bama loss. It's gonna be tough. Birds will be fired up.
  4. That, too, obviously. How could I forget?
  5. I enjoy FSU games because of their cool uniforms & colors, play anybody, anywhere history, and Chief Osceola & the War Chant. That right there is what CFB is all about. Go 'Noles
  6. Fun to watch? Sure, but how do 3 programs make the sport more competitive?
  7. That's a very plausible aggy engineering story.
  8. ...with white helmets. Wow! 🙄 PJ is lucky I'm not a monied UM alumnus, bc I'd have the temerity to ask, "WTF is wrong with our school colors?"
  9. This looks better than what IU currently wears
  10. What aggy oozes barely fills up their jiz jar.
  11. It doesn't matter who Nebraska hires to replace Frost - they're done. Cutting off their TX recruiting pipeline killed this program. Their Big 8 success formula, farm boys on steroids + Prop 48 thugs, isn't happening in the B1G. RIP, corn. It couldn't happen to a douchier administration, except aggy.
  12. It goes without saying, (much like this thread) but 7-win Steve sucks shit through a straw if he can't win big at UT in the NIL era.
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