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Everything posted by topochico

  1. Be careful what you ask for.
  2. That Sensei looks a lot like Yamaha's Revstar. https://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/el_guitars/rs_2022/lineup.html#d1547684
  3. For the record, this is NOT mine. NTTAWWT. But it is available in DFW you one of you is looking to purchase. Pushed across my sales feed today.
  4. Sorry about your loss Judge. Your FIL had good taste in guitars. That looks bad ass.
  5. We're getting a new guitar!
  6. https://www.toneshopguitars.com/collections/gibson/products/used-gibson-1978-les-paul-standard-w-case
  7. I will confess to falling prey to sparkly eye candy from time to time. This thing looks so much better in person. Marty Bell is a magician with the metal flake. I have no need for a '78 LP standard, but i did have a brief moment of weakness when I saw it.
  8. You could always swap out the neck with a more appropriate headstock.
  9. Pointy knees. Would not bang.....
  10. Not sure how much more Gibson in a Fender body you can get. https://reverb.com/item/52329406-fender-limited-edition-parallel-universe-series-troublemaker-tele-2018-ice-tea-burst Local pickup only in San Fran. Have AUTF grab it, fly out, jam with the Vary Mary's, profit. Or perhaps you know someone in Austin..... https://reverb.com/item/48575485-fender-limited-edition-parallel-universe-troublemaker-telecaster-2018-ice-tea-burst
  11. Those are both great! I completely forgot that the show was coming up. Hopefully it will be bigger than last year.
  12. Bubblegum metallic super strat with a roasted maple neck would not suck.
  13. Headstock looks better when not painted. https://www.fender.com/articles/gear/closeup-check-out-fenders-new-parallel-universe-collection https://www.fender.com/articles/gear/making-mischief-inside-the-parallel-universe-troublemaker-tele
  14. They are bioceramic, sir. Bio-Ceramic.
  15. That is my thought too. The only limit I see would be how much Omega is willing to let them produce due to possible brand dilution concerns. In the Twitter post previously linked, Swatch stated that they would be available online later.
  16. Another vote for Surf Green/Mint and Maple. The MOD shop is a fun place to kill some time. If you decide to order from there, an Annual Fender Play membership saves you 10%
  17. I'd take the pizza gig in Cleveland over the managing a drum department at a Guitar Center option every single day.
  18. https://www.musicradar.com/news/gibson-theodore-joe-bonamassa
  19. People buying at these prices will be upset once Swatch starts selling them online. Glad I didn't go today. Great watch, but I can wait.
  20. Reverb Martin pricing before hitting local shops tomorrow. Good Lord. https://reverb.com/item/38645487-martin-custom-shop-limited-edition-paul-jr-american-chopper-guitar-2-of-7
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