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Everything posted by Rickylovesweed

  1. The crazy thing is this has been one of the worst games Booker has played in a while. Without Jones too, I would have guessed there was no chance we would be up 19 right now.
  2. This game is why there are so few G5 teams that advance in women's basketball. We just have so much more length and athleticism.
  3. Vic still running this ISO stuff with Muhammad and Moore at the top of the key. He saw something. Gonzaga can't stop it.
  4. We are just different when Shaylee plays like this. When we add another legit shooter/scorer we are scary.
  5. It looks like Gonzaga is almost playing a box in one where they help on Booker. It's also leading to wide open looks for Shaylee and Shay.
  6. We are locked in defensively. They have no answer for us inside. Two layups this half and Gaston missed an easy look. Keep getting the ball inside.
  7. Vic is such a good coach. He must have saw something on film. He's isolating Moore and Muhammad against anyone on Gonzaga's team at the 4. He doesn't think they have anybody that guard them and so far he's been right. The fouls should not be similar and we certainly shouldn't have more fouls. We are pounding the ball inside and Gonzaga is jacking 3s.
  8. We will get wide open 3s if we just keep getting the ball inside. Gonzaga has to send 4 to have any chance of guarding Moore, Gaston, and Muhammad.
  9. No Harmon, no Jones, Booker in foul trouble, Gaston in foul trouble and up 19. WOWWWWWWWWWW
  10. Fucking christ these refs are soft. Just because Gonzaga falls down does not make it a fucking foul.
  11. The ball movement isn't nearly as good but give Shaylee credit running point right now. She's not turning the ball over.
  12. Broadcasters are right. We are daring Gonzaga to drive. Not even really guarding inside.
  13. Up 12 with Booker and Gaston in foul trouble plus no Jones. Essentially playing down 3 of our best players and really 4 when you include no Harmon. Just get out of this half up 6 to 10 points.
  14. Just keep this lead with Booker on the bench. This shit is so soft. Just because we are bigger and they are flopping it doesn't make it a foul.
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