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Everything posted by squeegeedegg

  1. C Jones needs to be dropped stat. The "he just needs a good coach to develop" crowd has ignored the apparent truth that he simply doesn't like to get aggressive. Being soft inside and out isn't a coachable trait
  2. Gaoteote looks slower than Brockermeyer.
  3. I'm seriously looking forward to Aaronson drinking some milk one of these days
  4. I wouldn't wait. He, Sands, and Adams have been among the poorest out there tonight
  5. But can we all agree he will generate some buzz?
  6. Like I said earlier, he should look into a lacrosse school
  7. Plus one for Wingzup, although I still cannot say there's a definitive best wing place. For all that Wingzup gets right with the actual chicken, some of the sauces and dips at Pluckers have no equal. They also have mediocre service for those ornery individuals that make that their number one criteria at a sports bar
  8. That ball delivery system was hilarious
  9. Imagine with a stadium full of Italians... God I love Italy
  10. That's how you take a PK
  11. We're putting out some real shit first touches in OT
  12. 100% should be second yellow. All commentary agrees
  13. If nothing else, a putting a yellow on Mexico's creative heart and soul is a positive step. Shame he's had all day to roam and link up play left, right, forward, backward and into next week
  14. I wonder why Brooks, McKenzie, Steffen and Kellyn Fn Acosta touching the ball 2/3rds of the half with the occasional blast up to Sargent results in your best players getting the ball almost exclusively off of turnovers and then in Pulisics case, getting baited into forcing the worst of his possible outlets? Herman making good players look completely lost was a hallmark of his time at Texas. Sound familiar?
  15. Getting mauled tactically yet again. GGG needs to go before he costs us qualification
  16. Sargent has a real knack for keeping the ball out of the back of the net, for better or worse On the flip side, great time for Jordan to get confidence with the national team. Gonna need it for the final
  17. Xhaka, Zakaria, Akanji took control away from the center of the field early in the 2nd half and neutered any creativity from the US players from that point on. No adjustment from Berhalter to speak of.
  18. Getting tactically outclassed here
  19. At this point I'm not sure what I want most out of the summer transfer window... The popular thought is a true 9 or at least a DP forward. However, I just don't like the Besler/Romaña combo in anything other than looking at their physicality. Tough call for management to make. That said, converting more chances into goals can cure a multitude of ills. My hope is we take a pass at Nico Lopez from Tigres, or pay up and poach some Brazilian goal scorer with great control, Claudinho maybe and use him in tandem with Dominguez up front
  20. The second or third angle from the TV replay really looked like he could have body blocked the ball if his initial positioning was fully inside the goal post. This also brings to light how poor Romaña has been in the air, giving up two easy set piece goals against the Rapids and now Sporting
  21. Wolff's inexperience really showed tonight. Should have subbed Ring well prior to the red card but he held out with the idea of reaching to KC's subs. Of course, all that goes out the window when you go a man down, at which point he makes a further mistake subbing off Cecilio. The back line is a weakness but adding more bench defenders won't make it any stronger. Keeping a player like Dominguez on is important to keep and make something of possession when you do get it, and he's the team's best dribbler by far. Keeping the ball just a bit longer and maybe drawing a few more KC fouls keeps the pressure off the defense better than Cascante or whomever. Berhalter also inexplicably was way off to the lateral side of the near post during the corner goal, where his only job is to cover the inside of the near post. Shocking from a coaches son
  22. If only Tuscaloosa could lure a Gigafactory and a meat-headed podcaster to set up shop then Alabama could really start luring in top flight talent
  23. I actually do think Alexis can give quality minutes year one, after seeing the spring game live. He got some awful balls thrown his way but he really stood out to me. Worthy has a lot of catching up to do but he gives the offense another dimension that we expected, on paper, to get from Smith. Maybe he can land at Johns Hopkins and captain their lacrosse team or something. T.O. and Whitt round out the guys that should be able to stretch defenses without regular drops. Juan Davis, Gunnar Helm could both see a good number of balls thrown their way as well, and I would have no problem with that whatsoever. Dixon and Washington likely remain part time options, imo.
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