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Junior Bonner

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Junior Bonner

  1. Bizarre gardening accident on the horizon...
  2. Was there some indication he was wavering? Is he rebutting rumors? Or is this simply a good post by one of our commits and I'm now reaching the point of surlification where I only see the negative in anything?
  3. Yes, because nothing fosters sincere, authentic friendships like a bunch of coaches and helpers blowing smoke up your ass about how wonderful your kid is. That's the stuff of true brotherhood, right there...
  4. This is mild. I've seen much, much worse. The day I joined I was at -15 before I even blinked.
  5. I accept this news graciously on bended knee. I will brook no argument regarding its veracity.
  6. Well why the f**k does he have to piss on this parade? Right when my dick's getting hard. Wait, let me rephrase that....
  7. Perhaps butt jokes will take us to 1000. This is not a complaint...
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