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Jersey Man10

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Everything posted by Jersey Man10

  1. It's always the single 19 year old moms with their meth head boyfriend trying to make ends meet. Asking for handouts and prayers and shit.
  2. aggy already lost to us. Fuck them.
  3. I'd get a regular car and mod the hell out of it.
  4. I still play Fallout 4 lol. Hopefully the DLC will make 76 better.
  5. Hopefully they show more of Canto Bight! /sarcasm
  6. Shut the fuck up rocko you faget ass bitch (REDACTED). Bet you been yawning so much all your mail order boyfriends stick their uncut dicks down your throat while you surf surly using your sock. Fuck you. Bitch.
  7. Just saw it yesterday at IMAX in 3D. It was fucking awesome and I wanna see it again.
  8. Definitely play the first game. Doesn't necessarily have to be in order.
  9. How are they dealing with the backlash? Going no NPCs was a mistake lol
  10. Wasn't there a shag member who worked on this game? Or maybe it was assassins creed.
  11. Yeah and Big Red too. They taste like medicine.
  12. Damn I'm in the wrong thread lol
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