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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. Great series and awesome finale.
  2. Cold and rainy in Mt Vernon. Less than ideal.
  3. Burrow is on a bye and the Ewok is my backup. However, Fields is available for pickup and Detroit is Detroit.
  4. Sure. I spent less than $2k on my Pulsar XM30.
  5. He reminds me of a retarded auctioneer.
  6. Almost my entire starting lineup was on a bye this week. Yes I lost.
  7. I normally don’t bet on the good guys. Too conflicted if I go the other way. I’ll take another ratty winning ticket.
  8. I’ll be out next weekend. My body is ready.
  9. Elephant walk and secret handshake.
  10. What did they ask you to mix the ER with?
  11. Should have bought more XOM when I bought last at $35
  12. And? You're giving too much credit to those in Manhattan
  13. I have a feeling the "We Own Texas" chants will be caroling loudly in the fourth quarter.
  14. Waino coming back. I’m indifferent if it causes issues signing guys.
  15. I pass Decatur on my way to WF. Speed trap of the highest magnitude.
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