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Everything posted by Lobwedgephil

  1. And you didn't die? I wouldn't stay near NRG.
  2. Wingstop is very solid, but I hate their fries. Guess in the minority on that one.
  3. Gotcha, where are we getting the 20 seconds from?
  4. That is my thinking, and as it started at 6,000 feet, may have been too fast for copilot to correct. But not sure how to explain no radio calls, unless you think the worst. But very rare for a plane to crash in a nose dive essentially which is now proven by video. Wonder how deep the black boxes are in the mud with that crash.
  5. Appears to pretty much be in a nosedive. Can't imagine how that happens. https://www.click2houston.com/news/video-shows-cargo-plane-moments-before-crash-at-trinity-bay
  6. They use US Marshalls if you don't show up? That seems extreme.
  7. Calling their bowl win a prestigious bowl is hilarious, you really can't make this shit up.
  8. Oh good, another lawyer on the board. Take it however you want bud, just don't question Kate.
  9. After your initial loss on Keto you start to get non-scale victories, and then it keeps coming off. Just because your weight stays the same doesn't mean you aren't changing for the better. I have been stuck around 170 for a while, but dropped a pant size despite weight staying the same.
  10. You should have the exact same photos on you Mac and phone assuming you are using iCloud and apple's photos apps with the same Apple ID. Getting photos out of iPhoto is as simple as drag and drop them where you want them. Are you running old software?
  11. I know I am not the demographic of that edit, but doesn't seem that great to me.
  12. He was awful, but he was also not awful against LSU. Probably his best game of his career, and all of aggy's lives.
  13. Aggy Jr. day 2 will be their spring game, with Texas, OU, and the sheep fuckers having spring games on the same day, will be interesting to see who is where.
  14. The goal is to make the screen as big as possible with minimal bezels, and the front camera has to go somewhere. It will be over in a few years when the tech comes to embed the cameras beneath the screen, but not quite there yet.
  15. Enjoy your trip, good thing about skiing is you burn so many calories. Bad advice, but diet can always be there when you get back.
  16. The Fold phone was cool too see, glad they are working on new ideas, but will probably suck for a generation or two.
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