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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. Doesn’t matter really. Flores 2 throwing errors cost the game.
  2. Gobble Pierce’s dick pussy
  3. Close your phone @Balconespeople are talking negative about Pierce. Don’t want your feelings hurt you fucking pussy
  4. Dude actually shut the fuck up. We’ve thrown almost 100 more pitches than them.
  5. No, its poor play by him with bases loaded. Can’t be passive there
  6. Surprised he didn’t drop that
  7. Need a huge double play here
  8. This game should be over. Thanks a lot Flores. My asshole puckered with that fly out
  9. 2 hard hits on this guy. I like our odds getting some runs next inning
  10. Did he really just say that ball just missed? lol
  11. How the fuck is porter brown so bad
  12. Looking to the outfield with off speed , great ABs
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