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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. Yep. When the "source" is "my sister's boyfriend's coisin's drug dealer" you are approaching peak $9.95.
  2. I look forward to the day when I, an actual capital L Liberal, am no longer lumped in with the real conservatives whose party left them behind in its wild lurch to the radical right. I miss arguing with people who actually believe something. Until then, it's gonna be flavor of the week time with all these nutjobs who carry water for the most despicable man to ever hold office.
  3. Well, that's what it says in the Book of Armaments, right before the bit about the Holy Hand-grenade of Antioch.
  4. Hey, Kevin, sweetie... you broke it, you buy it. Dostoevsky couldn't have written a more pathetic nihilist script.
  5. The parents may have suspected, but how was the school supposed to be aware that the gun might be in the backpack? It's not like the parents had been acting responsibly through any of this. If the kid has been posting violent shit on social media (he had been) then you search his buttcrack, not just the backpack.
  6. It hasn't gotten a lot of airplay yet, but talk of the school district being liable makes a hell of a lot of sense. Not searching the backpack, not getting law enforcement in on the meeting, letting him leave the office with just his parents... There's probably a dozen more lapses in security that haven't even come to light yet. I'd hate to be counsel representing the district.
  7. Um... you HAVE seen the last decade of Texas football, right?
  8. I'm thinking more Buscemi in a fat suit. Devito has the chops, of course, but you need that creepy "is this guy a space alien" vibe.
  9. I'm just kinda sad that they didn't have a shootout with DPD resulting in both of them being paralyzed for life with bullets lodged in their spines. Not that I have strong feelings about all this...
  10. Find me one, just ONE, genuine conservative or libertarian who defended that horseshit. Hell, I remember arguing with my fellow liberals back in the 80s about how conservatives actually had that one right -- tariffs are about the dumbest thing any government anywhere has ever done. The modern Republican party is not conservative. It's nihilistic.
  11. My favorite government prof back in the day was Jay Budziszewski, who is about as conservative as you can get. His "Resurrection of Nature" is still one of my favorite political philosophy books. When he stuck to his lane in class, discussing Aquinas and Aristotle, he was very well worth engaging in discourse. When he went off the reservation and enabled the childish, racist tripe put forth by the Young Conservatives of Texas, he was barely tolerable. You skipped the actual discussion of ideas part by refusing to admit the facts in evidence. Being too muleheaded to admit statements of fact is why you are a maroon pariah here, not because of your interpretation of fact. I don't know why you are so delusional, but you are. You are entitled to your opinions, but not to your own version of fact.
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