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2300 Nueces

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Posts posted by 2300 Nueces

  1. 11 minutes ago, APMP said:

    Sorry to hear that man. Yeah it's tough. We loved the new house, neighborhood, schools, etc. It was considerably bigger than our current place, so would've been better to hunker down in with two toddlers while working from home for the next few weeks.


    But we were worried about being stuck with two mortgages in this climate where even relatively safe jobs are seeing pay cuts.


    I hope that we have flattened this curve enough by the summer to have more certainly about things. At that point, assuming our financial situation is similar to what it is now, we'll start house hunting again.


    Two mortgages is a deal breaker for sure.  Correct move.

  2. 4 minutes ago, APMP said:

    We walked away from a 3.125% 30 year fixed on a new house a few days ago because we were worried our current house wouldn't sell with the new economic reality that was setting in.

    Still interested in refi on current house, but not sure rates will make sense to for a while...our current mortgage is a 3.625% 30 year fixed (got in Fall 2013).

    I'm a builder.  No customers in 2 weeks.  My houses are built without financing but dang.  No one.  I started my business in 2006.  Reminds me of those times.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Yeah I always turn the heat down to 64 but of course depending on the weather that is sometimes an effective strategy, sometimes not. And the temperature in a particular room fluctuates or becomes uncomfortable when the heat turns on, at least it does in our house. Plus depending on where the vents are in the bedroom you may have to deal with air blowing on you. When it's actually 64 indoors in the morning that makes for comfortable sleeping but just leads to having to light the fireplace or ramping up the heat when the wife wakes up. This chilipad thing has been giving me predictable temperature and comfort.

    Maybe you are having heat flashes from menopause?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. VIRUS INHIBITORS!!  THIS COULD SAVE YOUR ASS!!!  READ!!! Cheap naturally occurring compounds that occur in nature.  I'm already taking these in small amounts. 

    These are government studies not whispers from the hippie shack.



    Bupleurum root extract

    Wild indigo root

    Isatis root extract


    Houttuynia exract



    Sinigrin.... can be fount in....

    Brussel Sprouts

    Broccoli (Just EAT it!!!!!)

    Mustard Greens

    Mustard Seeds

    Also, aloe vera leaves contain aloe emodin. 


    Hesperitin scores the highest as a 3clpro blocker.  It is found in lemons.  The local HEB was wiped out of all of the above except lemons.  I stocked up.


    • Like 4
  5. 36 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    F that.  Back when the boy was in scouting, June camp out at Camp James Ray in Pottsborough.  Near lake Texoma.  JFC it was a hot, sticky mess.  Had four of those little camp fans on me, that each take something like 8 D batteries.  Plus a mosquito net and a godzilla-sized case of swamp ass....

    This was back in 2015, when all those torrential rains came in.  They came in as we were packing up to leave.  LOrd they were fierce.

    That's hilarious.  The worst for me  has to be when I was in Chillicothe, Tx on opening day (dove).  We camped out the night before, I left the rain fly at home.....  5 inches later the water is rushing by my air matress and I'm about to float away....  T shirt and grippers.

  6. 17 minutes ago, PhillyD said:

    Potential thread derail, but I've wondered if the opposite will occur.  Will we discover that we don't really need sports?  I miss March madness, but I don't really feel like I'm empty without it.  This is the time of year I start really getting into a hockey, but I'm going on without it.  I wonder if there are a bunch of folks thinking, "meh, maybe I should spend my money somewhere else."

    The cost structure of sport needs to come down.  Most of the coaches/best players are too expensive, including 5 star recruits.  Ticket prices need to decrease while the quality provided needs to increase.  I hate the godzillatron.  Give me more band and traditional fight songs, etc...  Here's a thought, come up with some new fight songs, not Journey, but that's ok too. 


    Keep the games regional and focus on the regional involvement.  Older rivalries are my favorite. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    China stopped reporting, didnt they?

    Yes they did.  They quickly figured out that shutting everything down was going to do 100x the damage than letting the virus run it's course.  Essentially we are going to end up with a massive debt default, sick people, and starvation.  The problem of overloaded hospitals is going to seem small in short order.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Telegraph_it said:

    FIL is a director at a small business bank. Assets around $700 million. He said they stress test for scenarios like this and have processes in place to assist lendees. Also there are multiple tools from the fed to provide needed liquidity in a situation like this. 


    Anyway he didn’t seem concerned and is the only person I know who is not freaked out by the market decline. Actually seemed excited. Just another great buying opportunity like 08. I want to believe. 

    I guess we will see.  Anyway, stay alert.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I’m already hearing about lenders offering payment deferrals. In a situation where a payer has an established cash flow, and is experiencing a temporary interruption, and it’s system-wide, it’s in the lenders’ interest to keep those loans paying, even if they have to wait a few months. I hope we see that happen broadly. It would be smart.

    No, it's a band-aid on a knife wound.  The businesses are going to lose confidence first.  The banking system is all a confidence game.  They are going to go to cash reserves instead of cash on account because they will understand the situation and want to be free at a moments notice. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Paper_jam said:

    but I thought after the last crash, the government instituted reforms and controls to ensure that banks and investment houses manage their assets responsibly and don't get overextended (trying to keep a straight face)



    Exactly, HEB binges only happen if one has a bank account or an operating credit card or CASH.  Gotta stay one step ahead.  Assuming FDIC is going to pay out is naive when they are drastically underfunded after 2008.

  11. Just now, Shut up Lou Holtz said:

    So for those of us that work in a gym.... I’m guessing we are fucked for the short term. If schools start closing (Michigan started it) that’s one of the next steps I’m thinking. Fuck

    Once the bankruptcies start....  there is no stopping complete systematic failure.  These places have no patrons.  If they have revolvers (revolving credit), they have been pulling out the cash and will default.  It's already started.

  12. It posted this in the markets thread.  All these cancellations are going to bankrupt many businesses.  Many of these companies are maxing revolving credit lines and withdrawing the cash from bank accounts.  This is going to crash the banking system.  I would begin to prepare for bank runs and bank closures in the near future if this panic narrative is allowed to continue.  I am almost entirely out of the system, phew.  After tomorrow, I am free.

  13. 1 minute ago, Celery Man said:

    i went to add some HEB to my portfolio but i guess they are closed

    Short the banks.  The deleveraging is going to be catastrophic.  My house is paid for and I am almost out of the system save electricity and water.

  14. While many are worrying about the virus, the corps are maxing there revolving credit lines and pulling out the cash.  I only have 5-6k to go before I am free of the banking system.  I've been pulling since the virus reportedly escaped China.

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