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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. Heh...fuck 'em. On the bright side, at least they haven't lost to Texas since 2010.
  2. Hmmm...doughnuts, burgers? My answer to his question number two would be maybe hit the gym.
  3. Who are Collin and Michael, and were they doing their New Year's blind joke routine before 1975?
  4. One of the greatest SNL skits of all time:
  5. Dang...I know there's "still a lot of football yet to play", but if KC doesn't get a TD on this next possession AND stop TB on their next, this game is, for all practical purposes, over.
  6. I'm shocked he wasn't already in. Did he piss somebody off?
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to set me DVR. The think I like about TCM is that they show movies unabridged and unedited. I'm sure there will be disclaimers and warnings before the movie starts.
  8. Fat side up, or fat side down? Paper, aluminum foil, or no wrap at all? Does it really qualify as BBQ if it is done on a WSM? What does Grant think should be done to whomever is responsible for Senator Cornyn's brisket? Favorite tipple while smoking brisket?
  9. Maybe, but those from my generation might argue that the Vietnam war and Watergate made society more cynical. All of which might indicate that there is truly nothing new under the sun, and perhaps there is some small comfort in that.
  10. Abandoned land mines? Is your new job in Cambodia? Or maybe you meant to say abandoned coal mines...or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
  11. Perhaps you're right. I remember thinking my dad was ancient way back when I graduated. He was 56. I am older than that now, so yeah, I can see how you'd think I am an oldster. Don't worry, you'll be here one day, sooner than you think; suddenly realizing that you're the same age, or older than, your dad was at certain stages of you're life, and trying to convince yourself that it doesn't mean you're really old at all. You were just wrong when you were young...but you probably weren't wrong. *sigh* But just to clarify my original post, I wasn't commenting on the relative hotness of the women in the ad, just stating that they are annoying AF to listen to. "You got a edge, I got a edge...you got a UHHHH, and I got a UHHHH...." SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! Jeeez...just thinking of it makes me ragey.
  12. Going to have to disagree with you here. Yeah, they're nice to look at in a still picture, but as soon as I have to listen to them, any "wood" immediately disappears. Also, they're all three red heads, so you know they're batshit crazy, and not in a good way. Maybe it's that I'm getting a bit old-ish, but I just don't have the tolerance for BS that I used to.
  13. Checkers ad; in car with country bumpkin family with dad, wife and two daughters: Wife: "I feel like I got the good kinda energy...like you got a edge...I got a edge." Daughter 1: "You got a UHHH, and I got a UHHH." Daughter 2: "Is that a good "uhhh" or a bad "uhhh?" Dad mumbles something unintelligible, as I am in the beginning stages of:
  14. Not to pick nits, but Bevo is not a cow. Regardless, what a great hire. This is going to be one looooooong off season. September can't get here fast enough.
  15. How about "Male Sack"? If we're going that direction, go big, or go home, as they say. But more on topic, I would love to hear Thujone talk about his MSPaint artwork, his inspiration, creative process, favorite creations, etc. His work is the stuff of Surly legend.
  16. I would have enjoyed it if he responded with, "They're the ones who ran away...fuck those guys."
  17. I would have been doing the same thing, had we not almost had an "incident" at the beginning of the game. For about the first 5 minutes of the game, my wife had been walking around the house, doing whatever things wives do that don't include watching television. She then decides to plop down on the sofa, watches a couple minutes, then says, "Is there anything else on? I don't want to watch football." I nearly exploded...words were exchanged. Regardless of the exact words I used, I think the crazed look on my face spoke more about the seriousness of the situation, and she decided it was a good time to go to bed. Although I had won the battle for the TV that night, I didn't want to be a complete dickhead, and I was in a much better mood by the end of the game.
  18. Only distilled water and pure, grain alcohol, so as not to contaminate my precious bodily fluids.
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