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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. I just used a paycheck calculator for California and at 10 million dollars a year you are still only taxed 53.31%. It must have been the multiple homes you own @Azbadlands. Also I’m pretty sure AZ and California have reciprocity taxes. I work remote for a company in NYC, I don’t pay their taxes at all.
  2. I should’ve made it clear at the beginning of this thread that Oil n Guess discussion goes in the Spitters Baron thread in DT. The amount of delulu going on with that industry against Dems is laughable and this is my safe space. My President wearing a construction hat backwards is easy money to get a laugh from union guys. Thank you for posting that @Hal Finney. Hopefully he can show you a 100 dollar bill whenever you show him a physical bitcoin some day.
  3. USA TODAY just had an article on this and coincidentally I posted in the Cloud Engineering thread today about interviewing for a second job. I don’t need it, I just want to make more money cause I have tons of extra time and want some extra money to put a dent in some debt. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/11/03/more-americans-working-multiple-jobs-under-inflation/71441008007/ Nearly 8.4 million people held multiple jobs in October, the Labor Department reported Friday. They represent 5.2% of the workforce, the largest share of moonlighters since January 2020. Roughly 5 million Americans held one full-time and one part-time job. Nearly 2 million held two part-time gigs. Another 1.1 million said they held jobs where the hours varied. Fewer than 400,000 held two full-time jobs. The pandemic triggered an explosion of remote work. The freedom and flexibility it offers have inspired some employees to take on second jobs, sometimes in secret. “More jobs allow telecommuting now, making it easier to take on two jobs, even two full-time jobs,” Renter said. Workers “save time by not dealing with a commute and may have more freedom to set their schedule, leading to increased productivity.”
  4. I had this post a couple years back when I visited a friend who was clerking for the federal judge in Del Rio
  5. Any of you that work remote ever try taking on a 2nd job? Had another opportunity reach out after I spruced up my LinkedIn. Was salesforce related not cloud “Cloud”
  6. They already watch. It’s the only station with Texas Republicans telling the world we have an open border
  7. Can’t wait for Newsome to poke the bear and say how well California is handling the borders and how communities like Chula Vista and San Diego are thriving. Just need to let the literal floods get out of the news first
  8. Q4 GDP came in at 3.3%. Absolutely crushed estimates in the 2% range. Im sure the 24 year olds with new Series 7 licenses will act rationally and good news on the economy will not mean red. https://www.bea.gov/news/2024/gross-domestic-product-fourth-quarter-and-year-2023-advance-estimate
  9. Dewitt is a MAGA guy for sure. Chair of the Arizona Trump Campaign in 2016 and got his role as CFO for fucking NASA. Resigned after two years to be COO for Trump’s 2020 campaign. Guy didn’t make it one year as AZ’s GOP chair.
  10. There is a reason E-Verify is only mandatory for state agencies, colleges, strippers and state contractors in Texas. Florida is finding out all this right now with their E-Verify rules on private business with over 25 employees.
  11. lol she just released what sounds like the most bullshit, staged, "offer" to drop out of her Senate race by the GOP chair in AZ. Between the Wisconsin R's doubling down on stupid for their maps and now this it's a sweet little Tuesday.
  12. Wisconsin Republicans are imploding right now by my read of things https://madison.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/wisconsin-senate-maps-redistricting-evers-legislature-districts/article_34774072-b97a-11ee-ac30-f7447c8980df.html
  13. How has nobody yelled "MASHED POTATOES"
  14. How did exaggerated organized retail theft lead to a post about one burger shop location closing cause of things happening outside the store?
  15. Ass was clearly on the ground. NFL is trash
  16. It’s literally how Josh made a career
  17. The Kelce brothers are just dudes. Jason met his wife on Tinder and Travis did the equivalent of giving a waitress his number by giving TSwift a bracelet with his number on it.
  18. Wussy? I’m asking them to throw a dildo
  19. hate to see a marginal fan base like buffalo throwing snowballs. Need a dildo
  20. HOW DOES REPLAY ASSIST WORK? Replay officials located in NFL stadium replay booths and designated members of the NFL officiating department in Art McNally GameDay Central at the league office in New York may provide on-field officials with objective information regarding on-field rulings and the correct application of playing rules. Before, replay officials were only permitted to provide input on limited administrative issues and during replay reviews. Now, they can proactively assist in situations where clear and obvious video evidence is quickly available to assist the on-field officials on objective rulings. The new assistance rule applies to plays where there is clear and obvious video evidence to proactively address specific objective rulings, such as spot of the ball or a foul, complete or incomplete pass, and touching of the ball or a line: Penalty enforcement Confirmation of the proper down Spot of a foul Game clock administration Possession of a loose ball Complete or incomplete pass Loose ball touching a boundary line, goal line, or end line Location of the football or a player in relation to a boundary line, line of scrimmage, line to gain, or goal line Player down by contact (when not ruled down on the field) https://operations.nfl.com/officiating/instant-replay/replay-assistance-rule/ You are wrong. And this game is under protest
  21. It’s an obvious call for NY to look at
  22. Why we haven’t seen more than one replay of the backwards pass, when Josh was in front of the yard marker and the guy catches it after the yard marker is home field advantage, right?
  23. Atlanta Fed Q4 GDP Tracker at 2.4% https://www.atlantafed.org/cqer/research/gdpnow
  24. How does a Christian school teach social justice while also being Anti-Woke?
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