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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. Well if it wasn’t obvious then, the red marks/scabs on his palms from a month ago is probably a fall.
  2. Uhhh more Asian girls for lonely white guys. Solves the school shooting problems, incels, and white supremacy problems.
  3. Jesus Christ, there is ten lawyers who spout nothing but stupid bullshit all day long in a thread that is super specific, and none of you will start a thread on how to get these dipshits fighting against each other? You are the most qualified goddamn it Should I name it the big Brain Trump thread so ppl in Texas click? Don’t reply after this
  4. Youtube is playing LoneStar free w/ads if you have a login. We all love the ending
  5. Fort Morgan is close enough to Gulf Shores if you need to find something to do, but far enough away to be away from college crowds.
  6. Thank Biden for doing this at 4 on a Friday. Markets, just like the necrobump, will not care by 4pm Monday.
  7. Best oil n guess President ever and the Baron thread is guys wanting to know who’s going to the next cheat-on-our-wives conference.
  8. So we're all going to start saying 2 of the last 6 months had upwards revisions? We wouldn't want to misrepresent anything, right?
  9. It's January and every company has their budget for the year. Hiring should be high. Check last January. That's why I was being a haughty little bitch in the last post.
  10. Job report out due tomorrow. Either way it goes is a win. It’s always a win. With revisions, still a win. How will you be celebrating the 14 million jobs created, with the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, rising wages and all time stock market highs? Im gonna mix one cranberry Mikes harder lemonade with an original Mikes harder lemonade, and hit on the 50 year olds at the pool. The ONLY way to celebrate the greatest economy the developed world has ever seen.
  11. Remember those chicks you went to rock concerts with in the 80s? They all got married, had kids, half of them divorced, and they’re all margarita moms with leopard stretch pants. Ground zero is his bar in Nashville. Nothing but divorce parties for the 50+ older crowd who NEED to hear a cover band playing Journey.
  12. Angelina Jolie is his daughter and I don’t think they’ve talked for 20 years, two different times.
  13. Amazon was up 2.63% on the day and after hours is currently another 8.8% after earnings
  14. I don’t know. If I’m wrong, it’s rigged. Wait two months. 9.95
  15. The mighty duck man himself
  16. Time in market always beats timing, dollar cost average by spreading it out, set the amount and forget the amount for it not to ruin your livelihood.
  17. I guess in order to get some hot takes, is a place having a Cloud FinOps role, a sign their architecture sucks, and to stay away?
  18. I’ve noticed ads for positions called Cloud FinOps and it seems entirely like some firms threw their hands in the air after they bought in on the technology but didn’t bother working with auto scaling or storage lifecycle management. Could be wrong/naive about it but it seemed something an “architect” should know. Yea that’s where I’m at now. My first job out of college in Austin was working for a broker-dealer in Austin and ACH/EFT and all kinds of very easy to understand cashiering/money movement transactions across accounts. Saw a couple positions at fintech firms paying minimum 70k for that shit when I was making 32k and hating every bit of being in the real world. The fact I could supplement my job with this stuff I could do sleeping is an enticing choice.
  19. I’ll start worrying when they get Fred Durst
  20. This is the move. Drag bingo on Tuesdays/Wednesdays. For the rest of you married to high school and college sweethearts, stop talking.
  21. Those Azure numbers are crazy https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/30/microsoft-msft-q2-earnings-report-2024.html#:~:text=Microsoft beat on the top,Blizzard%2C its largest deal ever.
  22. Nobody has ever had to sign up or be a user to see a post No you go fuck yourself. You don’t need an account. “I don’t have time to do that 5 second thing when I’m on the internet” By the numbers: Truth Social's parent company, Trump Media & Technology Group, generated a total of $3.38 million in revenue for the first nine months of 2023. It reports a $49 million net loss during the same period, including around $26 million in Q3.
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