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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. Biden in his second term is going to be like the firefighter who works at the airport station.
  2. Hobbs not debating Lake because she’s a comfortable liar with TV experience was the right move. Trump showing up to a debate with Covid was spot on and made Biden’s isolation completely warranted as well
  3. There are hundreds, maybe even one thousand Americans who can name the Egyptian president. The man is making a clear point about countries that need humanitarian solutions and just had a major bill blocked because of ongoing Mexico border issues. If anything he has too many thoughts going on in his head.
  4. Tell us what you want to do with billionaires
  5. Every country had slaves, why should America be an exception and a shining example for the rest of the world? Oh god this shit is going to lead to posts about equity. SOUND THE ALARM! ABORT! DONT DO IT!
  6. No, and you know that. Being consumed about worthless shit that has an infantile, minute chance of ever affecting your daily life is living scared.
  7. Worried about reparations is one way to live life scared. Or thinking multiculturalism is bad. Or someone with external balls running a track event when others have internal balls is an issue to care about. Same as fascism.
  8. Joe had every right to tell this Special Counsel to sit and spin in re: to not remembering details of his son’s death, and frankly I wish he would’ve.
  9. Biden starts speaking about 15-20 minutes in this video, and he completes every sentence for the “He’s Skeletor” and can’t finish a sentence crowd. The only time he abruptly stops, is when he realizes he’s giving them what they wanted when defending his memory regarding his sons death.
  10. Feel his rage or feel yourself suffocating under the weight of 20 pounds of cherry Luden’s cough drops forced in your mouth.
  11. I’m not doing your fucking homework dude. Learn what real means in the context
  12. Just want to remind people on immigration it was Republicans who went on Fox News and sold our state out after cultivating this environment for 30 years. They went on national TV and said Texas has open borders. And then our Governor gave them an incentive with bus and plane passes. Democrats did not go on news channels and encourage that. Did you not read my post 4 up from your gem of a post? Yea you minimized it with a both sides argument acting like it’s been the same intensity and same outcome
  13. It’s called Real Wages. There’s a report for that. Post Covid, working class people have seen their pay go up pretty remarkably.
  14. Miami/Florida had to deal with higher and longer inflation along with stupidly high homeowners insurance if they can even get it. There’s cracks
  15. When Trump is the turnout magnet for GOP voters and Dem voters, and can only get 52% of the vote, I think you should always take the chance. Especially if you think he's lost some of the turnout buzz for GOP voters but still has people walking through glass on the other side to go against. 2016 Trump had 52.2% 2018 Cruz had 50.9% 2020- Trump had 52.1% 2024 will have both of them on a ballot. Also Lt. Dan has been aging pretty quick. Not gonna guess if he runs again in '26. Would be 75. Nov. 2020 Texas voter registration- 15,279,870 non-suspended Jan. 2024 Texas voter registration- 16,092,426 non-suspended
  16. It’s my credit card, I’ll pay it off when I want. Thank you very much.
  17. Also call the credit card company and ask if they can just put you on a plan and suspend your card if needed
  18. Wells Fargo has a balance transfer credit card where you get 21 months of no interest. I think the fee is 3-5% upfront
  19. If S&P 500 hits 5000 today, the index will be up over 51% since Election Day 2020.
  20. Farming only existed after an A&M Ag degree became available
  21. Probably be better off if their Computer Science students got a 500 dollar credit in Udemy and call it a day
  22. Please think of the kids on the south side of Gaza
  23. So, like, some other brown person like the centuries before?
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