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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. This wait must be excruciating for poor Kyle, I hope it lasts.
  2. The people that think Beto might take their guns were never going to vote for him anyway.
  3. So this kid went to a BLM protest, with an AR-15, shot three people, killed two, and is claiming self defense? And there are folks on here thinking this kid should walk? Do I have this right?
  4. Kamala is actually a lot like Hillary. Political expediency is her core identity. ETA: this can also be said of most male politicians.
  5. I firmly believe Huey Long type candidates would crush it against today’s GOP. The candidates are a big part of the problem with the democrats, they’re pussies. Sometimes you need to go full demagogue.
  6. Democrats have incompetent leadership, refuse to learn from mistakes, and are generally out of touch as a party. Republicans are well organized evil. Outlook is not so good.
  7. We are headed for worse than Trump
  8. Watching the “moderate” dems sabotage the Joe Biden agenda is really something tho.
  9. I almost want Bernie to primary Biden just to activate voters. Politically speaking, the republicans seem to have the enthusiasm advantage along with all the structural advantages and Biden doesn’t seem interested in changing any of it. Sad!
  10. First quarter has been like the opening 5 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.
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