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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. The shooter can claim self defense now.
  2. What I’m saying is you need restrictions PLUS a LOT of other shit if you want to stop reading about dead school kids.
  3. We have plenty restrictions on firearms right now that NO ONE complains about. More restrictions would not necessarily infringe on a person’s 2A rights. However, if you think the only solution to our violence problems is more gun regulation, you are sorely mistaken.
  4. IMO conservatives generally want people to have less freedoms. They are the police state movement. They want to regulate a woman’s body. War on drugs, cameras in classrooms, restrict access to voting, transgender bans, Muslim bans. And the guns aren’t being used to defend freedom, they’re tools to deny the freedom of others. Just ask any mass shooter victim. In general the “freedoms” conservatives are most interested in defending are the ones that give people the right to oppress others. Now this is not to say liberals are immune from criticism when it come to government overreach on individual rights, but conservatives acting like they’re the freedom party is laughable.
  5. Lou Dobbs gonna get his old job back.
  6. While true, Biden’s leadership on any of these issues is MIA...and some of these items were part of his campaign agenda (public option). I hate giving credit to the Trump administration but their approach of moving fast early on several issues at once was strategically clever. It was hard to keep up with all the shit they were doing, and most of it was pretty evil.
  7. $15 minimum wage? Anything on guns? Public option for healthcare? Legalize marijuana yet? Statehood for DC? Or Puerto Rico? How about expanding the courts? Cancel student loan debt? Voting right act? How about some police reform? Any meaningful anti-corruption legislation? Reproductive rights? Holding seditionists accountable? Rollback the Trump tax scam? Anything on immigration? Shorting everyone $400 in stimulus money and then gaslighting anyone who called him on it really set the tone for this administration.
  8. I don’t think LSU hasn’t hired anyone this big before (at the time of the hire). At least not in my lifetime. Saban was just an up and comer when he left Michigan State. Les Miles was an underwhelming replacement and Coach Unintelligible was already on the staff. Exciting stuff!
  9. I am satisfied with this hire.
  10. Maria Butina is a national treasure for the Russians, as she should be.
  11. How do you feel about our trillion dollar a year defense budget?
  12. What’s funny is there isn’t much evidence (if any) Trump seriously attempted to have Hillary prosecuted. I imagine it wasn’t important to him and he knew it was all bullshit anyway. Plus, prosecuting Hillary would have set a precedent Trump had no interest in setting.
  13. Since 1863, Thanksgiving has been observed annually in the United States. The holiday superseded Evacuation Day, a de facto national holiday that had been held on November 25 each year prior to the Civil War and commemorated the British withdrawal from the United States after the American Revolution. On June 28, 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law the Holidays Act that made Thanksgiving a yearly "appointed or remembered" federal holiday in Washington D.C. Three other holidays included in the law were New Years, Christmas, and July 4. The law did not extend outside of Washington D.C.
  14. I’m no lawyer but the Trump obstruction of justice crimes are still fair game until next year when the statute of limitations expire on several events in 2017. Seems like the evidence there is overwhelming and well documented in Volume 2 of the Mueller Report. PLUS HE PARDONED THE CO-CONSPIRATORS. Do I think Trump gets charged with obstruction? Sadly no, but the consequences of not prosecuting him for his crimes in office sets a horrible precedent for the office of the presidency. Basically, the President will be above the law and unremovable while in office going forward.
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