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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. Observations of how the Merrick Garland DOJ operates. He’s more likely to charge Donald Trump with a crime than Kyle but neither will happen because “reasons.”
  2. Kyle ain’t facing no federal charges, this I can promise you.
  3. The 2A people crack me up because by their logic the 2A gets undermined in our society all over the place but they only beef about it when their thought leaders tell them to. We have laws against fully automatic weapons, yet there is no serious movement to legalize them. We have laws against carrying firearms on planes/airports, or in a courthouse, or a school but the 2A defenders don’t care about these infringements on their rights because deep down they really don’t give a shit, they really don’t, most of them anyway. They just love fighting for the idea that they can fend off tyranny with a good sidearm as long as the government doesn’t take it away. Which is ridiculous, but whatever.
  4. Nope, the firearm is actually irrelevant as it relates to the specifics of the acquittal. Kyle could have killed those people with a baseball bat and it’s the same case/outcome. That Kyle was allowed to roam the streets in a hostile politically charged environment threatening public safety with an unlawfully obtained AR-15 (or a baseball bat for that matter) AND CLAIM SELF DEFENSE is where we have some problems.
  5. This case wasn’t so much about the 2A, it was more about political violence being condoned by the state/society IMO.
  6. Among the more disturbing things about this case is how so many rushed to publicly defend this kid, who is objectively a total idiot dipshit that literally went looking for trouble, which isn’t a crime but holy fuck.
  7. All I’m saying is this can backfire in some pretty dark ways. Do you think an armed leftist showing up at Trump rally with a “Fuck Trump” shirt on might experience some threats of violence? Enough to justify a legal self defense claim? Oh wait, they don’t allow firearms at Trump rallies because that is how freedom and the second amendment works.
  8. Good to know that if I show up to peacefully protest I have the right to be lawfully gunned down by a dipshit with a gun if he feels threatened by me. Good job America.
  9. This verdict is great news for ANTIFA.
  10. This is Anastasis level troll bait, respect
  11. I don’t see many disagreeing with the verdict specifically. The sentiment is mostly that this kid should be punished for what he did and our society/justice system is too broken to do so. Therefore, we get to look forward to more senseless killings by idiots without consequences. Hooray us.
  12. Life in prison would have the same result.
  13. There is a thin line between Kyle Rittenhouse and an active shooter and I think that’s what is disturbing to many about this case. 17 year olds walking around with fully loaded semiautomatic rifles in highly populated public places isn’t a good thing, especially when they end up killing people.
  14. The judge was totally professional and in no way influenced the outcome. (lol)
  15. This trial would have never occurred if Kyle was Black, mostly because Kyle would be dead.
  16. Such a pity, kid would have been a rock star in prison.
  17. Nah, maybe some hooligans burn a tire or something nominal.
  18. Dude got on the stand and cried like a bitch, but not for the people he murdered. Kid will likely be a future Supreme Court justice.
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