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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Katfid54

  1. @Katfid54, how would you like to introduce the meme of yourself?  Let me count the ways: There's this: There's this: And this: Some of this: But mostly I want to ask this negged-ass newbie:
  2. "It's no use, Mr. James--it's Defensive Tackles all the way down!"
  3. Honestly, I want/need a Princely commit just to have Carrington tweet a pool volleyball gif.
  4. Since it definitely, actually, definitively, CONFIRMED happened, it's more hypodiegesis than metaphor.
  5. Can't say for certain but the 4th from the left looks an awful lot like Tre Watson to me.
  6. People say that on a scale of 1 to 10, she's a Nineveh.
  7. To date, it has been passed down from generation to generation via the oral tradition. Some now claim it is apocryphal. Researchers right now are parsing through ancient manuscripts, tomes, and papyri from various civilations to locate it in the written record.
  8. Some stay dry and others feel the pain
  9. I can see the Arian foster comp in looking at all the outside zone in his commitment video. He has great vision and cut upfield when he sees a hole. Lesean McCoy is not a good comp. Bijan does not have the speed of McCoy. I have the same problem with comparing him to Saquon. He just isnt that fast. He's more of a vision runner.
  10. Jesus christ, you fucking psychopath
  11. True. But that was some noel devine shit.  I mean, one of those defenders has TWO missed tackles on that play.
  12. True. But that was some noel devine shit.
  13. Got tackled once. Do not want.
  14. she was one of the biggest flirts of the LimeWire era.
  15. Cross-posting from 2020 thread, because it's that good:
  16. For those who haven't watched his hudl. Check out this Holy Shit-level play. Clearly a 4.8 40 kind of guy:
  17. I've been off the reservation for decades at this point.
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