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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Katfid54

  1. i added my genetic mass to your mom's vagina last night.
  2. Do you even The 4 Game Rule, bro?
  3. Demas rooting for LSU. He's a true aggy.
  4. Milroe kind of already did that, didn't he?
  5. And even if he were still playing pokemon when he's, say, 31 (totally arbitrary number, i promise), that would still be cool and not weird at all.
  6. It is an unspoken rule of thumb that all aggy males must have freckles and a chinstrap beard to hide their second (and third?) chin(s). But goddamn if Howell doesn't smile with his eyes.
  7. I think Surly is broken this morning.
  8. It's all going to depend on Hurts' health, in my opinion. He is going to have to run the ball often, given how many bodies they're breaking in on offense. If he stays healthy, your prediction is probably accurate. But he's going to take a similar number of hits to what Sam has taken, and we've all seen how that has cost Sam in the past, because of that.
  9. Definitely. Think Herman already said the plan is to redshirt him this year, which would mean he would start counting with the 2019 class.
  10. If this staff is really going to let Derrian Brown suit up, no one should have concerns about the staff not letting DeGabriel Floyd play in 2020.
  11. Fuck you. Your first post contained no qualifiers.
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