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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. See, I don’t mind if you guys believe this crazy stuff, just don’t teach it to children.
  2. That our institutions are racist. It’s silly. Of course they won’t teach it, they’ve banned it and got ahead of these crazies.
  3. Say no to racial theories and you’ll be alright.
  4. It’s not fear, I think it’s a dumb theory and teaching it to children makes the dumber. I once picked up a date and her father was cleaning his shotgun. I can’t wait until she brings a guy home for dinner, it’s going to be hilarious.
  5. Oh, I’m scared of some things alright. But not this hilarious “theory”.
  6. Yes, it’s a theory in which academia whackjobs sit around and sniff each others farts while telling each other how good they smell.
  7. People sure are super upset for it not to be happening. If nothing else it was preemptive.
  8. I’ve gone over this several times before, but I’m a fan of his education bills. From banning CRT to SB 1054 which requires students to take a financial literacy course. Sign me up.
  9. I was 12, middle class, and white. And angry. Probably about my bowl cut. Cut a playa some slack.
  10. I was trying not to look at his face those 4 years, it really scares me for some reason.
  11. Kind of, its been a while… now I’m thinking of Staind. Interesting, I didn’t pick up on that. He’s a bit nasally though. I don’t think it really matters unfortunately, although I’d love to be wrong.
  12. Phew, I’ve been checking milk cartons ever since Joe sent her to fix the border. Guess she’s outta timeout.
  13. Absolutely. He’s my guy. But we’ll probably run Trump and lose, I’ve come to terms with it.
  14. Has anyone found where they are hiding her?
  15. Bless your heart, I definitely will little buddy.
  16. Poe It Up


    One of my friend’s dad just came out as a trans yesterday. Posted a pic of himself(herself now) and created a new Facebook profile. Kids seem supportive and she seems happy, so good story all around. First trans person I’ve ever personally known.
  17. They pump out so many videos I’d have to go back and look it up. The overarching theme is that if these guys commit in July, it’s good news for Texas.
  18. Cleaning the guy’s pool at night? That is really fucking bizarre.
  19. They’re recruiting better than I thought they would. Gerry said that if Kobe Black and Simmons aren’t committed by the end of July, then they may be more into aggy than Texas realized. Hard to believe.
  20. Some of the finest men I knew growing up were police officers. They came over to my next door neighbor’s house and lifted weights. Back in the late 80’s it wasn’t if, it was when you got into a fight with a crackhead in Houston. I heard the craziest stories, especially about folks on angel dust. They were always worried about getting home to their family. Like we all are I suppose.
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