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Everything posted by bamachine

  1. I am hoping they can land Bill Clark as his replacement. Dude wins everywhere he coaches, even in untenable situations like UAB.
  2. Why do you think they finally started trying for some home and home series again? They were having trouble getting the marquee names to sign up for the one off neutral games anymore. After they murdered Clemson, Michigan, USC and now FSU in those openers. The closest games were the two VT and the WVU games. If you mean the three other games, well Bama is the only one that wants to get the conference to switch to a 9 game conf schedule. Until they agree, they will stick with the same type scheduling as everybody else in conference. Looking forward to this series, I may not live until the ND series but I might just make ot for this one. Looking forward to a road trip to Austin. Some of you fools will have to be my guides. Will return the favor for any of you that make the return trip.
  3. Got my tix for Sat night, I'm touching myself tonight.
  4. I am sure Veep will be fine, especially since it is the final season.
  5. Everything except his scenes with the mercs.
  6. I wasn't saying it was a dream, more like a daydream. Like his other little daydreams about his future with annoying blondie. Although, we get a little perspective on how she might have become that way, with her abusive marriage. He may have just been trying to play out future events in his mind. Not sure it was a daydream but it would fit with his psyche.
  7. Those are two different labs. One was a secret one being run by Ford/William, the other was a secret lab being run by a subset of Delos, trying to get out all the user data.
  8. Agreed. They would be better off to end it there, on a good episode.
  9. Glad that we may get more from NoHo next season. I wonder if that whole scence after the black screen transition was real or in his imagination.
  10. Awesome episode but we need some nekkid Elsie and William's daughter. This season is severely lacking in nekkid lasses.
  11. One of the posters thought there was only one pill, making it clear for them.
  12. College stadiums- Of course, Bryant-Denny(about 100 times) Jacksonville State aka Burgess-Snow, about 10 times UTC Mocs stadium, once for JSU game there. Nice for a small stadium. Grant Field(prior to the Bobby Dodd renaming) in '82 Legion Field, before it was a complete dump, just a minor dump then, back in the early 80's Neyland-thrice, cool seeing the Vol Navy for the first time, hilly as fuck walking around Vaught Hemingway-Grove is overrated Seen Jordan Hare but not on a gameday. Same for Sanford Stadium. Rose Bowl-Not a bad seat in the house, long, narrow tunnels from concessions to seats, have to wait to be let back in. Non-college stadiums for college games- Ga Dome-4 times, Clemson, VT twice, WV, all for Kickoff Classic Superdome-BCSCG vs LSU, also partied outside of it for the Bama vs Miami title game(could not afford tickets, as poor college student) Jerryworld-For Michigan and USC games in openers.
  13. Just put it in spoiler tags, for those that don't want speculative spoilers.
  14. He took "his" pill. She still has hers.
  15. I almost want Liz to escape, by the skin of her teeth, back to Mother Ruskie, to see what a shithole it has become, only to starve to death in Siberia. Sure, she is a zealot but her own people have been lying to her about things back "home". About how everything she is doing is making them so much better, so much stronger.
  16. Yep, just saw that. Hope he can curb whatever issues he had at UK. JSU could definitely use some help in the front 7.
  17. ^I don't think it is a waste. It is an illustration of his powers and also of what may have happened, if he made different choices, at different points in his life. Add on a little dabbling into the multiverse theory.
  18. Winkler is doing a dead on impression of Shatner or at least how I would imagine him, if he was doing an acting class.
  19. That is what makes this show great. It makes us have a little sympathy for the enemy. Not enough to pardon them of their crimes, just enough to see how they got to be who they were. This show has done a great job at setting that up.
  20. Again, y'all seem to think I am taking up for him, I am not. I was just explaining why they probably did not show him in the flashbacks to the meetings they had about the subject.
  21. I think maybe it has been an itch in the back of his mind. The reason he likely did not reach for it was the fact that Phillip backed away for a very long time and Stan had transferred away from the CT unit. Now he is back and suddenly, Phillip goes on this trip, during a family holiday, when he had been staying at home for awhile. Note his recollection of the last words of the guy they caught.
  22. Not giving that to him. I am saying he just greenlit whatever they did but did not want to waste any time on any issue that wasn't moving his agenda forward. If you saw the movie, I think that was him to a T. In the movie, he avoided reading the report for some time because he didn't think it was that important, what was important was preparing for the next game. In the movie, he was not paying attention to what Sandusky was doing with his own kids in the pool because he had to prepare for Alabama or whoever else he might have been playing in a New Years Bowl game.
  23. Possibly or it is quite possible she used that line on him, soon after they first met.
  24. JoePa was guilty as sin but don't think he was in on many of those meetings though. They likely just gave him updates and he just said take care of it.
  25. We had both. Had the exact 60's version of the World Book, minus the Childcraft, at least I never saw them, if we had them. I think they bought the World Book set at a garage sale. They bought the Encyclopedia Britannica set on the monthly bill. Think I read all of both sets, which is likely why I was so good at the original Trivial Pursuit, when it first came out.
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