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Everything posted by UTPhil2006

  1. Nothing about the minor league signing? You don’t get to slack over the holidays
  2. Does Julie or Austin win if she actually did what she was supposed to do
  3. I wouldn’t mind going into the 3.7xx. Nice little 2 day run has us at 5 month lows at 3.87 at the end of today.
  4. They opened up the 5.499 option on FHA and VA but are kind of still on the same scale of the 5.75 costs x etc so while it’s an option it’s not overly a great one. Maybe they’ll keep reading my bitching on here and shift the whole subset of the offer and actually make everyone a good deal
  5. Talking to other LO and such starting to think this was more of a marketing ploy by UWM than anything as most of anyone would who have a high enough rate doesn’t qualify. Most everyone in our pipeline was at or below the lowest rate they’re offering and certainly not .5 below. They basically put out a program knowing very few will be able to utilize and get a good bit of free publication. Not the dumbest idea.
  6. Just let go/fire the entire interior.
  7. I feel like the 10 year is mostly gonna coast through these next two weeks. Keep it at or below 4.000 come Jan 2 and I’m a happy camper
  8. Glad were using incredible sources like Schwab and “htown wheelhouse” Was Leah not available for comment?
  9. Promise 4 and see how that goes. And I’m on your side of fours
  10. He’s famous for voting Reggie over VY in 05 and then defending it for years.
  11. That’s the hope. But there’s all sorts of things that could happen/come up between now and then. That’s just my gut
  12. Like the one they’re factoring in for 2024? I’d say low 5’s
  13. Missed the 3.9xx one. So I wouldn’t mind going into the 3.8xx which could happen by lunch. 3.928 currently.
  14. Only thing about this program is they could have gone a little lower with the preset percentages. They’re lower than current but comparative to 210 days ago they’re not.
  15. I’ll be curious to see if other lenders follow suit or just let UWM corner the market.
  16. Fed holds steady at meeting today. Sees 75 bps of cuts for 2024. 10 year loves it.. down .13 To 4.07 current
  17. @Wulaw Horn and I use the same big lender so it’s just a matter of licensing. We have about 40 states. The fees are gonna be mostly third party so roughly the same as well. The things you’re gonna wanna look at is origination (especially in todays market) and if they’re helping with appraisal (we take care of every shaggy guy)
  18. Loophole will be closed within a couple years. Until then we need to buy a bunch of Breggy Bomb salsa
  19. Time to buy a bunch of salsa and juice up them HEB contracts
  20. I don’t know how y’all made it more than a couple minutes in. I had to close it for my own sanity
  21. I made it through about 2 min. Her ARM stuff was a bit farfetched. And her Zillow 1% stuff didn’t really hold water because Zillow doesn’t do the appraisal. And I don’t know anyone (or that they even had) who has used Zillow loans
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