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Everything posted by UTPhil2006

  1. Kendall isn’t the be all and has a blind spot for his team
  2. Anyone got something that works? This site above doesn't seem to
  3. Needs more cheese curds in his diet
  4. Looks like the Colin Daisy hook up goes down next week. I’m sure Gary will handle that well
  5. I would assume it’s Skenes
  6. It’s okay there were jackasses on the Astros said we’d be 25-30 if we were lucky 26-19 says hi
  7. Yep Altuve is washed. About as washed as soon to be Big 12 champs Texas baseball
  8. And you would be wrong. Smh. Still no Dubey. Abreu back to 4th smh. Also I thought Diaz caught Brown
  9. My guess is he does today and Altuve DHs.
  10. Salazar still on the team and Abreu batting 4th. Things that make you go hmmmm
  11. Jung or Lemaywho on the block. Would prefer OF.
  12. I wasn’t gonna bump this thread without positive news after reading the shitshow the inflation thread became
  13. Guess Dusty read what y’all wrote about Dubey
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