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Duane Moore

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Duane Moore

  1. Wells is extremely bullish on Hale committing to Texas in this one.
  2. I like your post but Malik fell off a scooter and is injured so we won’t see him even if we run their asses out of the building in the first half.
  3. Time is so cruel. Don’t go looking for any recent photos of Bridget Fonda either.
  4. So much for the high cost of NFL tickets pricing out the common fan
  5. That’s a great point. A trap game implies you are overlooking your next opponent because you are worried about another team the week after. This team should be taking every game seriously. No opponent should be taken for granted.
  6. Stupid sip, Nick Nolte did that before games in North Dallas Forty and that was the pros!
  7. I am loving the idea that coaches’ contracts have gotten so onerous on the universities that the latter may have to set up honey traps to get out of them.
  8. Although completely irrational on my part, this is why I can’t believe they will lose. I’ve just been so conditioned over the last dozen years to not expect joy from college football.
  9. This is something I’d like to see improve on Saturday. Against Bama their DL is just too good to draw much from. Against ULM, I will chalk it up to us wanting to get Ewers as many reps throwing it as possible and then the drop off to the second team OL being significant. UTSA is going to be a game where we need to lean on the defense and running game and we’ve not seen that ability yet with this OL.
  10. This is a good point. I want to see how we play against UTSA and Tech before I am convinced things have changed. If we handle both of them like our Bama performance suggests we should, I’ll start to believe. Would love to have him back for the WVU game so he can get back in the groove before the RRS.
  11. Never a good sign when the head coach is a “my system is infallible, the players just have to execute it better” guy.
  12. Having both “gonna run through him like a stimulus check” and “just gonna let him drag me like Achilles dragged Hector” in the space of 60 seconds shows some impressive range. Well done.
  13. I mean, ATM was a top 5 team nationally 2 years ago (and top 6 this year until Saturday) so it’s not a mark of an invincible juggernaut. Pre-season there was some talk about this being one of Saban’s best teams and I just didn’t see that on Saturday.
  14. That was my take on this Bama team as well. They are probably going to drop one conference game somewhere during the season, but are still likely to win a down SEC West and then play UGA for a spot in the CFP. Not one of Saban’s vintage teams, but still likely top 5 nationally.
  15. That is nuts, even more than the NFL? Take that headline on the recruiting trail. When Arch starts playing we’ll be an even bigger draw.
  16. This is where I am. I just think they rally this week and, with the help of some coaching malpractice by Cristobal, they beat Miami. Then they go 2-2 over the next 4 and probably end up at their traditional resting spot of 8-4. I don’t know how they turn things around, but college football is just too much of a week to week game for me to believe a team with that much talent just craters. It happens from time to time (see us in 2010), but I can’t believe we’ll be that lucky.
  17. Lol, Aggies complained and Twitter took down the Yell Practice Clip:
  18. That may have been true 30 years ago, but the NCAA has made a specific point of making hits like this illegal for just this reason. It’s like saying that taking a WR’s head off when he goes across the middle isn’t a dirty play.
  19. Do they really hold these at midnight? What old people stay up that late and what young people would enjoy the content? Or have nothing better to do on a Friday night?
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