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Everything posted by Jshep34

  1. That may have been the nail in the coffin. If we finish outside of playoffs due to a game or two. Then clean house, manager, all coaches, trainers. Then Brown and Crane need to answer why maldy continued to start while Diaz was better option on offense and defense. Stop letting ego of coaches dictate the teams trajectory.
  2. Sad to hear about the Funker and Bray. Especially for brays wife and kid.
  3. Instant classic. Tx vs Washington. Phenomenal game by both teams.
  4. Need to dfa the entire coaching staff along with medical, strength coaches
  5. Nice investment for big guy in his mid 30s. Wonder if they learned those deals don't work out
  6. Maldy spoke out about issues. Also mentioned how they need to play better. Hope he was looking in a mirror
  7. Kid told ump he was rounding base to go home. Lmao.
  8. Would you trade Pena this off season for the right return?
  9. What is the ideal line up that you would play? Then include day game.
  10. Dusty would bench Jrod right now .
  11. Derek Bell and Ricky G. Not that they were bad people, they just couldn't do crap when it mattered
  12. Mcshitty birthday today. Maybe Dusty gives him season off to celebrate
  13. So much info, data to prove Diaz is far superior to maldy but yet he doesn't get majority of playing time. For a team so data driven they are ignoring it. Stop trying to be the smartest guy in the room Dusty and play the best lineup possible.
  14. If this was little league, playing Maldy would be the perfect example of daddy ball
  15. Lilshep will start for the Astros before Brantley ever does
  16. Wander may be done with baseball if rumors are true.
  17. We were there as well. Very pleasant atmosphere and great fans
  18. Lilshep competed in all state texas majors tournament this weekend. He made a goal to be good enough to be selected and he did. He played against some really talented 10 year-olds. He was in top 30 in Era, whip, obp, and batting average. Beyond proud of how hard he tries and works to achieve his goals.
  19. Actually it was a coworker. Dude had it all. High paying job, kids, wife, million dollar retirement. Then got hooked on meth. Lost it all
  20. Looking for a chambers county mugshot. Any help?
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