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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by swraith

  1. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/senate/ 538 Senate model as of 10/23/2020 show GOP with a 7.2% chance of it being 52-48 in GOP favor. 51-49 in favor of GOP is also possible. However, the sky is not falling.
  2. Jaw dropping to see Lou Dobbs bashing on a GOP senator like this with the balance of the Senate on the line. Its glorious.
  3. Voted at the Shriner center this afternoon, less than 5 minute wait.
  4. Please be true. Please be true. Please be true.
  5. This. Totally this. Republicans are going to message as they have in the past. The smart bet would be on a good portion of the electorate thinking that the GOP sounds reasonable post Trump (whenever we achieve post Trump status).
  6. This alternative weather vendor is not as aggressive with the cold front forecast.
  7. ^^ you won't get any argument out of me on that viewpoint. I don't expect the protest to be successful. However, I have no downside. If the company is successful, I get a lower valuation even on a year when they didn't go raise them, helping me long term. If the company is not successful, I am not out any time or money.
  8. Got another email from Five Stone. protest is still delayed.
  9. This September and October are the best I can remember for recent Sept/Octobers in Austin (say the last 5 years). Normally I think of the blast furnace running strong till November.
  10. Cynical me thinks Barr will find ways to monetize his time as AG....which makes me even more angry.
  11. Feinstein could have said that off camera, in-private if she wanted to be nice to Graham. There was zero reason for her to say it publicly, on-camera, at the hearings. Completely tone deaf on her part.
  12. I look forward to early voting but I am not going on Day 1. Happy to wait a couple days invade there is an initial surge.
  13. I really hope Alamo finds a way to survive. But I wouldn’t bet on it happening.
  14. 538 doesn't have any polls for the SC senate race done in October. Got to believe somebody is polling that race with what is at stake. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/senate/south-carolina/
  15. If you believe the various polls...then I would conclude it helps Biden. It’s one less opportunity for Biden to commit and unforced error and risk his current lead in the polls.
  16. Hot enough today that kids are running in the sprinklers.
  17. Hopefully he can translate the fundraising into a change in voters minds
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