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Everything posted by shadow_operative

  1. the stars have aligned for shaka. beat a 15 seed today, then beat the winner of florida/colorado to get to the S16, where they will meet either oakland or nc state. he’s going to need to beat one good team to make it to the final four. if he can’t make a run this year then marquette is truly screwed.
  2. i’ll just point out again that i’m not the one starting fights over what someone else might hypothetically say today if we had a different HC. i’m doing just fine on that front.
  3. HELLO. what you’re describing is simply facts. chris beard IS a defensive savant, and his “ugly” wins never ever EVER involve giving up 100 wide open catch and shoot three point shots that the other team was simply too inept to hit. conversely, RT is not a good defensive coach. his texas team had the worst three point defense in the league, the 250th worst three point defense in the country, and finished the regular season with the worst rating in AdjD in a decade. one guy wins “ugly” by design (playing slow tempo, elite defense, and highly efficient offense isn’t “ugly”), and the other guy wins ugly because (hide your eyes), he’s not a great HC and his teams are super inconsistent. the only people here who are “framing” each and every single result in some (hide your eyes again) disingenuous light are you RT stans who talk about him as if he’s never done anything wrong in his coaching life. get a grip dude.
  4. again, you people are the one who brought up beard out of nowhere. you people are the ones who framed it that way. nobody was even talking about chris beard. you guys are mental. it's also hilarious that you would use the term “chris beard stans”. i don’t know any of those people. i don’t see them around here. there are people who acknowledge and understand that chris beard is a great coach and that our program was seriously derailed by losing him, and then there are RT stans. the next post that you (and plenty of others) make that’s critical about RT will be your first; the next time you don’t claim that 100% of everything good that’s happened this season is directly because of RT will be the first; the next time you make an honest argument about RT vs Beard will be the first. and, as we’ve seen, you people will bring up chris beard out of nowhere just to white knight for RT when people are rightfully critical of his team’s performance. that’s what a STAN is- not someone who can simply see that beard is a great coach and who was sad to lose him- it’s someone who physically cannot bring themselves to admit that their guy, in this case RT, has ever done anything remotely worthy of criticism. god damn you people will ruin anything.
  5. DIS-IN-GENUOUS, CLAP CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP. name the last time a chris beard team won a game with its best two players shooting 10-33 and the entire team shooting 7% from deep after which everyone came in here and praised the job chris beard did and then demanded that everyone else did too. you idiots brought up chris beard out of nowhere because you’re so butthurt that anyone would have anything critical to say about last night’s performance, and now guess what’s happening? we’re in here the morning after a tourney win arguing about chris goddamn beard because you people are so combative! the. worst.
  6. lmao, you are the one who is in here all upset! you’re the one whose golden god of a coach just bravely led his team past the ‘96 Bulls on 100% shooting and 0 TO’s and you’re in here today whining that people aren’t blindly acting like last night was some great performance, and making up hypothetical arguments about chris beard, when nobody here is even criticizing RT or talking about chris beard. you are the one who can’t just be happy with the win. you people are nuts.
  7. we played a pretty damn ugly, low scoring game last night where our two studs combined to shoot 10-33 from the field with our entire team shooting 1-14 from three. we did not play well. that’s what’s so stupid about posts like yours. all you are doing is projecting. the people who criticize RT do so fairly, and don’t go out of their way to do it. in fact, i don’t even recall seeing anyone here blaming RT for how shitty we looked last night. i’ve seen literally no one do that. but of course, OF COURSE because we won the game, this hypersensitive, ever-combative pro-RT crowd wants to put the kabosh to any and all fair, reasonable discussion of last night’s performance, insisting that we all just blindly pretend that was an awesome performance, all while talking shit to/about anyone who has the gall to not just pump blind homerism into every single post. calling them “fans”, in quotes, for not just bowing at the altar of rodney terry and his masterful coaching job last night. you guys are the worst. you guys start every single fight over this shit. you guys make whiny, petty, shit talking posts like yours simply because others don’t want to pretend that Texas was perfect. you guys are the problem. this is not hornfans. people are allowed to be critical. get over it, and grow up.
  8. back to back sweet 16’s would be a huge boost for the program, and would be a great achievement for RT, especially considering that he’s going up against his mentor, who’s also coaching the better team.
  9. meant to say “coming in hot”, turned out it was way more accurate this way.
  10. @Pancho spread is texas +6.5 and tip is listed at 7pm on cbs.
  11. that date/time works for me. it’s the eve of opening day.
  12. we’ve gone from no.60 in AdjD on sunday to no.39 tonight after the csu game.
  13. should i even get into how disingenuous this is, or should i just duck for saying “disingenuous” again? chris beard was here for 18 months. he overachieved with his first team, and then never got to finish anything with his second team. now he’s at ole miss which might literally be the worst power conference program in the country, and he’s had one season there with a bunch of terrible players who don’t fit his system. here’s a not-disingenuous way to describe his last 2-3 years: chris beard did more with what he had than was expected every single one of those years. don’t tell me about the dumbass AP preseason poll his first year at Texas, and don’t tell me that RT would have come remotely close to having as much success building a roster and then competing in the big xii and the ncaa tourney considering what the roster looked like when beard took over. again, he had UT at no.1 in kenpom in december of his second season (with zero nba players), and that team, which fell off considerably in nearly every trackable metric (including the eye test) after beard got fired still went to the elite 8 regardless. unless you’re ready to make the argument that RT is a better HC than chris beard, then stop popping in with these wildly disingenuous characterizations of beard’s last few years, as if it’s just been a totally normal three year stretch at a power school like Texas, or as if reducing his last three years to a couple of sentences and basic stats tells an accurate story.
  14. when he left for florida texas got worse and florida won two titles. when he came back to texas the team instantly improved. he was especially adept at being the go-between for rick and his players. we all know how demanding and cold rick can be, and rob lanier was great at helping rick get his message across to individual players. he’s a great assistant coach, and the record(s) of texas and florida during his time there speaks to that.
  15. we allowed them a million wide open threes just like we did every single other team we played this season. it’s not like this defensive performance was discernibly different any other defensive performance we’ve had this year, it’s just that our opponent sucks from deep and was especially shitty tonight. the plethora of wide open looks wasn’t due to some special game plan, that’s just who we are.
  16. wow, that’s surprising. something off the court? he’s been there two years, and they were much improved this year.
  17. i don’t understand why we can’t all just call it like it is: •csu was *terrible*, and it has nothing to do with our defense. they missed a million wide open shots. •we were not very good either. that performance from texas normally gets us beat by a top 30 team. we get beat by double digits with a performance like that against a really good team. •we just won another tourney game, something that, one year ago today, we hadn’t done since 2014. we don’t have to pretend that csu wasn’t fucking terrible or that texas was any good either. we can be happy with the tourney win while acknowledging that that was some ugly ass basketball out there. that’s what happened. the win was good, the performance was not. nothing terribly complicated about it.
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