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Everything posted by TheRealChuckWoolery

  1. honestly that comment isn't constructive at all
  2. well if you can figure out some other way to blow up the moon so the russians can't do it I would like to hear it
  3. 1. It's useless. What the fuck is it for? The tides? Well good. Pirates are bad, I hope they get stuck. 2. It's just a bunch of stupid rock, we have plenty of that here. Have you been to earth? It's like 75% rock. We could make several moons from the rock we already have. Build American. 3. The Russians won't expect it. And besides, if we don't blow it up, either they or the Chinese will, and then where will be be. I'll tell you: Without a fucking moon. But we can be *first*. It's our Manifest Destiny. 4. "But, TheRealChuckWoolery, how will we see at night if there's no moon?" Man, fuck you, get a flashlight or start a fire or some shit. It's not my job to take care of your can't see nothing ass. 5. There's nothing to do there. like four dudes have been there ever, and all they ever did was hit a golf ball (that got lost in a fucking sand trap) and pick up rocks. You can do that in Manor, and you don't need a billion dollar rocket for that. 6. The moon industry is 100% full of nerds. They need to be working on something important, like blowing up other celestial bodies that are also in the way. Mars is bullshit, Venus is gassy af, and I'm not sure Jupiter even exists.
  4. the number of antique soviet missiles that have been left to rot for 40+ years will fire, much less explode, is much smaller than you are assuming
  5. or maybe we could do an experiment, make a bet with Yeltsin that we could pick some random hobo from the street to run the country, and instead *Putin* turns to a life of crime, but in the end they are able to corner the frozen orange juice market for pennies on the ruble
  6. remember that time superman spun the world backwards and stopped an earthquake. Why don't we do that, and then we can kill Putin as a baby, we could drown him and make it look like an accident
  7. I think it was Jeffrey Sachs who said, "MF's gonna kill for that top shelf Ukrainian praline" Might have been Fukuyama
  8. If you want to. You don't have to, but it's not like it's gonna get mad at you or anything if you don't
  9. What if one were to preserve bananas in salt, would that be useful for something?
  10. I ask, because you can get a lot more for eggs. Anybody can nut in a cup
  11. Turns out "Man Gets Caught Slipping In Traffic Sucking On His Wife Feet!" is pretty much what you think it is https://www.facebook.com/JohnnyyRambo/posts/2171204172952724
  12. From her bio: "She is a member of the National Weather Association and has their seal of approval for on-camera meteorologists." I'll fuckin' bet
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