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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. Good sir, King John would like a joust with you for your besmirchment of his royal character....
  2. you're an optimist.... sir, they are already boycotting Target due to the in-store decor depicting the non-whites among us.
  3. RNC running out of money. Interesting thread…
  4. You think that's bad. Think of the professional athletes (and it's even more crazy with leagues playing games in Canada). https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/taxes/articles/heres-how-professional-athletes-pay-taxes/
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident
  6. Russian T-80 ingests a AFU FPV drone.
  7. Worth noting: not a drag queen. https://abcnews.go.com/US/gaetz-house-ethics-probe-picks-steam-new-witnesses/story?id=106600322
  8. What is the status of that putz-wipe coward Hawley in Missouri? Is he going to win?
  9. Truman - finished off the Axis, impeccable morals, retired broke Eisenhower - ended Korean War, ran middle ground economically, interstates and NASA, enforced Brown v BOE (even though he didn't agree with it) JFK - Moonshot, Marilyn Monroe (and every other female within reach) LBJ - Civil Rights bonanza, picking up his beagle by the ears, bragging about his schlong Nixon - big ICBM treaties, withdrawing from Vietnam Ford - pardoning Nixon, falling down the stairs, clemency for draft dodgers Carter - human rights, Egypt/Israel peace, malaise, greatness as a former POTUS Reagan - Showed commies we had infinite budget, started the demise of the GOP by embracing the Moral Majority and religious right, Bush - End cold war without chaos, raised taxes, nominated that fuckface Clarence Thomas, Clinton - Prosperity computer boom, Monica (and every other female within reach) GWB - 9/11, great recession Obama - Obamacare, DACA Trump - High treason, insurrection, extreme dumbassery, IV bleach, narcissism, failure
  10. I'm not sure SLC counts either.
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