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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. I think we make the NCAA tournament this year but just barely.
  2. Nah the dream scenario is that Shaka learns how to actually coach this next season and becomes our Coach K. Your scenario is more likely though.
  3. It will be interesting to see if Demas loses faith in the aggy coaches if they really did facilitate this move.
  4. The cease and desist letter also talked about Tom Herman's likeness. The lawyers will still probably go after him even though he removed the longhorn silhouette.
  5. I thought the North Forest coach said that they were being shopped as a package deal last fall.
  6. I think most here agree but simply want to see his waiver denied for the aggy tears.
  7. I don't think it's even that. I think they are just looking at it from the perspective that he should be a good but not great QB this year that gets 4 chances to beat a playoff contender. The article is about impacting the playoffs not making it to the playoffs. Mond is good enough that by having a terrific game in theny 4 of those games he could pull the upset and thus impact the playoffs by eliminating a contender.
  8. This is a layup for HISD: Good sirs, Demond chose to move away from what he claims was a bad situation. Demond also chose to committ to aggy. I think it is clear that his ability to determine what a good or bad situation is are severely lacking. We rest our case.
  9. Oh ye of little faith. They are going to use the Sale injury as a rallying cry to reel off a 28-8 run to take the wildcard. Then go undefeated in the playoffs.
  10. That just means that our boosters finally stepped up and got their heads out of their asses.
  11. I think Huston will be huge considering the pitching talent we have on campus. We are loaded with talent that underachieves. A lot of that seems mental.
  12. Well also winning is a hell of a lot more fun than losing.
  13. They can't decide who will be on top and who is on the bottom. They both want to be on the bottom.
  14. So where do I go to bet the house on Devin Duverney winning the Heisman?
  15. It's not like these schools don't know who Texas is or that that is the Texas logo. It's a very recognizable logo. Any school or team that tries to use it knows that they are committed trademark infringement. So I say fuck them and force them to stop.
  16. Grad transfer RB please. Preferably Taylor from Wisconsin.
  17. He can still leave in 3 years and this way they would get less out of him.
  18. To start I don't fly much so don't know hardly anything about any of this stuff. I did have to fly for work in February. Coming home was a disaster though. Got to the airport at 8am. Checked in and went to my gate. About 45 minutes before the flight was scheduled to leave American Airlines announced that my flight had been canceled due to technical issues. No other info. Made my way over to the customer service desk and they get me on stand by for a flight that will get me back to DFW just in time for my connecting flight. Barely make it on to that flight but end up sitting on the tarmac for an hour and a half due to the plane being too heavy. Thus causing me to miss my connecting flight. Ended up getting home at midnight that day instead of 5pm. Was just a clusterfuck of a day. Question though, was just telling someone about this and they said that I should have complained to AA about it as I should have gotten some kind of compensation for all of the issues. Is that true? If so would it be too late to call and file a complaint?
  19. This is the biggest "shock the world" revelation in this thread. You're telling me jerseyman finally got laid?
  20. There's far too much smoke with Georgia for them not to be cheating, especially when they are desperate for a title.
  21. I think you're right on paper but on the field last year the Red Sox just seemed unstoppable. When a team has a year like the Red Sox did there is just no argument against them.
  22. Astros were not the best team in the AL last year. There is really no argument for any team over Boston last year.
  23. I'm glad she included a shot of her nipples poking out
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