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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. I used to refer to Nixon as the great villain in my memory of American politics. He's quaint by comparison to this new scourge. I don't think Nixon would have dreamed of interfering with election outcomes once the votes were in. Were he alive, he'd be as astonished as the rest of us that the country is being destroyed by a fucking clown. I take it he is destroying Trump in the cartoon above, but I'm not Star Wars savvy. If he is, the cartoon is very clever. Nixon would have slapped around this orange cunt with the same vigor and joy that Washington or Lincoln would have done.
  2. I need to know that. I hate knowing it. I had no idea.
  3. I recall that he offered one attorney to whom he owed more than a million dollars a racehorse. Trump said it was a great racehorse, so I'm sure it was.
  4. There is apparently only one other adjective in American usage, incredible. My favorite use of that one is by newsmedia: incredibly believable, incredible accuracy, incredibly reliable source. It's amazing how incredible it all is.
  5. Is my opinion forbidden? To me they were poor. I didn't give a shit about anything in them. Maybe it's an age thing. I don't go for much animated stuff.
  6. @BevoAbyss No no no. The problem is that we're politically polarized on both sides. And they're all the same. I hear it all the time on TV.
  7. I didn't get all the way through French Dispatch either. Anderson is best when making the real look like artifice or adding artifice. Full on artifice sucks. His animated films are poor. His totally unrealistic films are poor. He is a great filmmaker otherwise.
  8. Why don't we go ahead and test that theory?
  9. Regarding his trial: Poor Donald. Wop-wawp. Regarding everything outside the trial: Donald ascendant! The crooked Biden-loving, Never-Trumper, slutty negress leads the witch hunt! Money pours in. Undecided dumbasses think, "maybe there is something to this being a witch hunt. We're so polarized now. Both parties are so bad. At least Trump had a great economy and worldwide respect." Captain Obvious sighs, "I guess I'm invisible."
  10. And it's still not criminal court. What's the new standard for officials elected to serve in D.C.? Decorum, decency, political philosophy, no criminal activity, solid hater
  11. From Atlantic Magazine written by a former federal judge and a Harvard constitutional scholar. I'm leaving out the legal arguments which I assume are formidable. I'm drawn to this because of the way the writers do not move the idea of a self-evident oath-breaking insurrectionist to an abstraction. They, for me, lift the clutter of details and definitions (they do address those, too) and obfuscations that seem to blind people to the reality of what the fuck is going on. This and the instances that @WhatTheBuck has mentioned where some frank language about the obvious are popping up, give me some hope that the paradigm shift from old politics to the current and huge story of the threat to the republic will be more widely seen and adopted. Anyways, I got something out of this.
  12. We watched the first four tonight. I was going to pass on this until somebody around here mentioned it was Ritchie. Loving it. Just loving it. I don't know how he does it, but he mixes Fargo and Breaking Bad with English crime fiction. Brilliant.
  13. I think it's mostly posturing. Makes a guy feel like a badass to say brutality leaves him unmoved.
  14. Wanting to make prisoners safe(r) from rape and brutalization is hardly the same thing as rehabilitation programs. Baby steps. I'll condescendingly grant that you're not being intentionally dishonest.
  15. Six or seven feet of space? That's like a fucking ranch! We're coddling these criminals!
  16. So rape, beatings, and gangs are ok for the non-violent?
  17. It was Sandy Berger in the Clinton Administration who smuggled secrets in his socks. He was punished. Here's the story on Clinton's sock drawer secrets, which I'd never heard of, from CBS. They weren't state secrets; they were tapes used for an oral history. It's still a good bet that all that ex President Acuity remembered was the cat's name and secrets. Or, more likely, he was given accurate information and it all got mixed us as he was inventorying the stuff around him: man, cameras, chair, diaper...
  18. It is our greatest national shame in two ways. 1. We knowingly permit it. 2. We think it's funny. Cue @Brisketexan to remind us of our national brand.
  19. "Align like a strong convicted figure at president, AD, and head football coach." William is so articulate. ETA: I went to Texags to see more about the subject of what @Getafix was quoting William on. I got this: They're meant for each other, Trev and William and A&M.
  20. The questions were good.
  21. I was so mortified that somebody decided that segment was about singers and dancers instead of the actual fucking content. It's better with a simple accompaniment often by a single instrument. Historically, it's been one of the best loved bits on the show. I was surprised to hear Glenda Jackson and Piper Laurie. The former is famous. Laurie was in The Hustler, Carrie, and Twin Peaks among other things. Always loved her. She was unique. Because I kind of love her: Beautiful and interesting at every age. RIP
  22. You know that bitch I been seein' with the little kid? Well she up and said she didn't want me no more. You still got that bucket uh dawg feces you been savin'? I'm thinking I could mail it to her. Also got them splodin' targets. Make some kinda fire bomb or somethin'. I'll do you one better, bud. I got a big snake that could eat her baby. We could scalp her and make e'erbody think it was Indians did it. You some kinda genius, man. I knew I'd meet smart people when I got that job at UGA, but this is incredible. And we even got tenured. They can't fire us even if we get caught!
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