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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. So rape, beatings, and gangs are ok for the non-violent?
  2. It was Sandy Berger in the Clinton Administration who smuggled secrets in his socks. He was punished. Here's the story on Clinton's sock drawer secrets, which I'd never heard of, from CBS. They weren't state secrets; they were tapes used for an oral history. It's still a good bet that all that ex President Acuity remembered was the cat's name and secrets. Or, more likely, he was given accurate information and it all got mixed us as he was inventorying the stuff around him: man, cameras, chair, diaper...
  3. It is our greatest national shame in two ways. 1. We knowingly permit it. 2. We think it's funny. Cue @Brisketexan to remind us of our national brand.
  4. "Align like a strong convicted figure at president, AD, and head football coach." William is so articulate. ETA: I went to Texags to see more about the subject of what @Getafix was quoting William on. I got this: They're meant for each other, Trev and William and A&M.
  5. The questions were good.
  6. I was so mortified that somebody decided that segment was about singers and dancers instead of the actual fucking content. It's better with a simple accompaniment often by a single instrument. Historically, it's been one of the best loved bits on the show. I was surprised to hear Glenda Jackson and Piper Laurie. The former is famous. Laurie was in The Hustler, Carrie, and Twin Peaks among other things. Always loved her. She was unique. Because I kind of love her: Beautiful and interesting at every age. RIP
  7. You know that bitch I been seein' with the little kid? Well she up and said she didn't want me no more. You still got that bucket uh dawg feces you been savin'? I'm thinking I could mail it to her. Also got them splodin' targets. Make some kinda fire bomb or somethin'. I'll do you one better, bud. I got a big snake that could eat her baby. We could scalp her and make e'erbody think it was Indians did it. You some kinda genius, man. I knew I'd meet smart people when I got that job at UGA, but this is incredible. And we even got tenured. They can't fire us even if we get caught!
  8. Well, I guess it's gonna be back to buying whole babies and cutting them up yourself. It used to be so easy being a Democrat.
  9. Prehensile tail? I can get you a prehensile tail. I can have it here by 2pm this afternoon.
  10. On one thread I decry wanton cruelty in prisons then I read about these monsters and can't imagine, in my wrathful being, a cruelty I don't want visited upon them. I wouldn't have these terrible things done to them, but I can't deny the existence of those dark desires. They are threats to the underpinnings of everything I value. No rope for Josh if he were drowning.
  11. Sex trafficker saved by poor judgment. Thank goodness Acosta was only responsible for that little thing. On another issue unrelated to providing rape services to rich men, there's this: Prison is prison. You're not free. You have little control over your own activities. You're shut off from casual contact with people you care about. That's enough for me. The availability of yoga, Pilates, and movies is merely humane as far as I'm concerned. I believe the cruelty of our prisons breeds cruelty in inmates who will one day be free. I also simply oppose wanton cruelty. The inclusion of these facts seems gratuitous in an outlet with the history of the AP. Keeping her by herself in a concrete room is something some Americans will casually call for without thinking about what this means. Yoga, Pilates, and movies can be available in all levels of security as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it would cut down on rape and violence.
  12. I wasn't suggesting otherwise concerning your disposition. It's not the provenance that makes it late so much as the observations' lack of penetration. That lack of embracing the obvious starts with the news media as far as I'm concerned. They're not prejudiced or possessed of dangerous agendas, they're hidebound, timid, and lazy. It's a great thing when somebody who gets it finds his/her way to print. It's strange the truth is not embraced and placed at its rightful place at the top of the daily news. I'd be surprised if we were in disagreement about any of this.
  13. One of these every 12 years ought to do the trick. As you know, this is more than an opinion topic for a newspaper; it's the biggest story since WW2. They just can't look beyond the templates hardened by wishfull assumption. They're really sort of hostile to news that rocks the boat too much. Where have you gone Howard Beale?
  14. That one was a thinker for me. Worth it.
  15. I would like to think the same thing. I'm right there with you. And, like you, I'm nowhere near willling to predict that would happen. Trump has been connected to the Russians and seems a lapdog to Putin. Can you imagine any other president or public figure maintaining a tenth of the support Trump gets for doing the same thing. We all know all the other shit: Ukraine, Jan. 6, Covid, Sexual Assault, constant lying, stolen national secrets... Probably Trump's luckiest iteration ever was Fake News. The concept immediately short circuits any charge of reality attempting to penetrate the minds of his flock. Even more sadly, people who beileve the news aren't moved to recognize what's going on. "They're all so polarized. It's both sides' fault."
  16. Wow. The fucking Post. We shall act like everything is as it should be and write about her as a serious Congresswoman. It's the template. MAGA Mean Girl? She's a fucking idiot. She supported an insurrection. She's getting laughed out of the house by voters. Looks like a college boy reporter/columnist. He learned the laziness well.
  17. Yes. They really should have come down hard and said really really poor judgment.
  18. They'll get him on sales tax charges.There will be mild fine. He will say it's the weaponization of the Justice Department. People will send him money.
  19. It doesn't get much more scathing than this: Hope the poor guy doesn't off himself. Just brutal.
  20. That's my understanding as well. I think Jordan was left holding the bag for awhile hosting huge refugee camps, but they finally ran the Palestinians out. I'm sure you would guess that I am no champion of the autocracies that surround Israel. They did try to drive Israel into the sea. Now that I think of it, my feeling about what is happening in Gaza is akin to what I felt about the Arab attacks on Israel. Each were established entities in places where they were not wanted. I think Palestine's historical claim is stronger, but that doesn't really matter much now. Neither deserve destruction. My anger is with the destroyers in all cases. My fury is keenest when my country supports something that is plain wrong and deadly. It was pretty much our modus in Latin America. I'd like for us to be the good for the first time in a long time.
  21. Inka, I still think your observations, which I trust, are sideshows at best regarding the bloodshed in Gaza. Perhaps I'm missing something. I'm not standing up for the virtue of Egypt or any other MidEast country, but other cases of discrimination or ill-treatment of the Palestinians seem like small potatoes when another entity is trying to displace them or erase them altogether.
  22. What a republic. Shitbag DeSantis invokes child sex-trafficker Jeff Epstein to go after a constant liar who tried to invade Congress to seize government and is himself a serial sex offender. Annnnnd, it has implications in the race to become President of the United States.
  23. I agree. Israel's leaders would love for the world to look at the Gaza displacement humanitarian crisis as Egypts fault for not inviting the refugees into their country. That's a nifty trick of moving focus from why there are refugees in the first place. Netanyahu has publicly repudiated Biden. He's daring us to act in certainty that we won't. I'm guessing Ben is counting partially on election year riskiness to help him. The United States should not appear to be anyone's lapdog. Biden has done more than enough for Israel. Get our name off of this slaughter.
  24. Thanks for straightening me out. Porter is a dim light indeed compared to the way you put together an argument.
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