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Everything posted by WinningIsHard

  1. Have you ran this by @JFKFC ? He’s doing kegels right now to take his mind off our OL woes. Lol
  2. That fuckin idiot that tweeted about bama having 7 #1 classes needs to be drug out in his front yard and beat with a rubber hose. All those wins, all those nfl first round draft picks, sec championships, national titles…meanwhile aggy has none of that but that stupid bastard will pretend they are the same type of animal. Those fuckers live in an alternate reality that somehow coexists with ours and we have to suffer through their ignorant shit.
  3. So the guy who man bun is positive will be an epic failure here should not take chances on stud athletes like billingsley who have shit attitudes but since he did we might as well go ahead and add another. Fucking incredible that information like that comes from sources and high up inside knowledge lol. I predict we will win somewhere in between 0-12 games and that we will also lose 0-12 games. It will be either beautiful or a disaster. If it’s great I’ll be stoked but if it sucks shit through a straw, like I’m sure it will, I’ll come back here and laugh at all you pussies who have hope. Evil laugh. Did I do it right guys? Guys?
  4. Sark is destined for 7 wins lol. Same guys who say that also say we need to recruit well or it’s all fucked. We recruited well. Now we need to bring in portal guys who will help us win this instant or we are fucked relying on freshman. Sark won’t win more than 7 games. The same mother fuckers who are absolutely certain he’s a shit coach also have all these rules he needs to follow to be a good coach. It’s fucking exhausting. He either has the potential here at Texas with this staff to become better or he’s fucked. How can it be both?
  5. Don’t take this the wrong way man, but I’d gladly sacrifice your life to be as successful as oklahoma has been the last 10 years.
  6. I was about to post that same thing lol. It’s easy to talk shit as a 25 year old nfl player on a team full of professionals. I like Charles but him crying at midfield on the ground like a bitch after losing to Kansas means he should take his opinion and stick it up his ass about how a 20 year old should act in college.
  7. We want sark to mimic saban’s culture who is, checks notes, the greatest to ever do it and wins year in, year out with a different staff every two years. Lulz. Meanwhile Lincoln Riley had a culture that let baker mayfield grab his dick and tell Kansas that daddy was going to spank them on national television with a wrist slap. Two heismans, two first overall draft picks, 3 college football playoffs and 4 big 12 titles later that fucked up culture proved to be just fine. 7 wins Steve or not, he will never be saban. There will never be another saban.
  8. I was today years old when I learned that Ewers has a higher ceiling than Hudson Card. I like bobby but holy fuck that is incredible lol.
  9. Will he still be agile at 275 is the real question, I think.
  10. Big 12 champs, Ion give a fuck about the bama raping. Quinn with Neyor and Worthy is magical. Bijan goes for 1200. The defense trips and falls into some big plays. CTJ promptly turns heel on sark and says he knew it all along. Haha. Put your ovaries on the table or as inVINCEible use to say, let your nuts hang out.
  11. if you listen to her entire answer I swear to Christ you lose a couple IQ points. Which I can’t afford at this point. If you read that last sentence then thought about my posting history and nodded your head yes…I’ll send out a preemptive fuck you. Lol
  12. Haha the part where I said “I’m sure he’s never had this talk with any of them personally” was sarcasm. I agree with you 100%. I’m sure he’s talked shit to them about their work ethic, priorities and maturity. This is just a culmination of him watching talented athletes waste their opportunities and being sick of it. I like the kid whether or not he stuffs the stat sheet.
  13. Oh I see, Ojomo should refer to the defensive/offensive players who put up the monster stats. Bold strategy cotton. Let’s see how that has worked out, checks notes, since 2010 we have sucked shit through a straw and our stat monsters were all morons. The Acho brothers, case McCoy, Dylan Haines lol, swoopes, that numb nuts foreman, Malik, fucking hager, deshon Elliot, Holton hill, omenihu, Kris boyd, sterns and foster. There’s a trend here that’s alarming. You don’t want any of those guys leading a group to restart a culture. Fuck their stats.
  14. So a senior, good head on his shoulders, calls out a team full of players that lost to Kansas and somehow it turns into he should tell them to their face that they are entitled pussies who need to take the next step and play like they belong at Texas. I’m sure he’s never had that talk with any of them prior to this rant. I personally think it was awesome and I bet some of them finally wake up and for those that don’t…well fuck them.
  15. Son of a bitch…pin this post forever. The irony, god help us, the irony.
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