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Da Fino

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Da Fino

  1. Never realized they have those funny shaped steering wheels. Is that how they are selling all of their cars now?
  2. I’m going off my shitty memory. Maybe it was that guy in 2020 I’m remembering.
  3. This is an interesting update. I was just thinking the other day how long this building has been sitting vacant. Really hope this works out for Grant. https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/TABS/Projects/TABS2024014966
  4. I think an archery mt lion in Texas is my holy grail.
  5. The good thing about Da Marco is that no matter what, they have that Risotto.
  6. Out of those I would choose BCN. DaMarco felt stale and boring last time I went there and the food wasn't good enough to help that. I go to Coppa a once a week, I'd save that for a night with kids in tow. I've only been to Pappa's Steakhouse downtown and thought it was fine for what it is.
  7. These massive ships all burn shitty bunker fuel. I’d have to doubt that those new regulations from 12 years ago concerning changing fuels for local boats in US waters had an impact here. I’m intrigued though and now reading about fuel tank lining due to that link.
  8. Yeah they usually have the single use similac or enfimil. I think we brought hipp powder with us because my wife got it in her head that it's easier on their stomach. I'm not sure if we actually used any of the stuff from the hospital that we brought home. Their swaddles aren't that great.
  9. It's kind of interesting that there had been a decent amount of semis going over the bridge but none when the impact happened. I wonder if someone noticed what has happening and alerted on the radios. I assume those guys still use CB's.
  10. Keep in mind that if feeding/latching is an issue while in the hospital, you can tell them to bring in the donor milk or formula. Fed baby is best baby.
  11. No it’s because he makes Bill Cosby look like Fred Rogers.
  12. What backwards world do you live in? Seriously. All you’ve done is call everyone you disagree with a troll or worse. You are a constant umbrage taker. This discussion could be so much more interesting if it wasn’t for you slinging your sophomoric shit at everyone that you don’t deem worthy. And how in the hell did fatty get brought into this? I don’t think he’s even fucked with this thread yet.
  13. Jack Esterby is affiliated with A&M now? That big bald dork stands out like a sore thumb wearing green in sea of maroon.
  14. Well they are already saying he looks like shit and still gooey. The interior is Bledsoe and whoever shows up. Not great with a new coach.
  15. Did you really think this wasn’t the case?
  16. So who got crowd sourced today?
  17. The swaddle game has changed @YGIFS. The new ones are very easy. I wouldn't bother with the socks @BurntOrange&White. Everyone I know that tried them stopped using them pretty quick.
  18. I swear to god I feel like I read this exact paragraph a year ago. Boat and everything. Crazy.
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