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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. “AIPAC and the Southern Baptist Convention teamed up to push guns to Ukraine” is a sentence that never before has been contemplated and will make all the worst heads explode.
  2. Republican discourse is going places we can’t even imagine.
  3. Elon is very worried about tax dollars being wasted as Israel (maybe) bombs the last of the F-14s that the Shah bought from us for 2 billion dollars in the 1970s.
  4. I will again draw attention to the Dreher-American Conservative/European Conservative-Vance-Orban nexus. These people are being handled.
  5. LOL at citing a think tank mission statement. “Here at (think tank) we support good things and are against the bad things.”
  6. Quincy Institute produces poll that aligns with Quincy Institute. The thing is that Anastasis knows enough on how this works. From polling to marketing, offering a choice of extremes and a vaguely worded Goldilocks middle will reliably get you the middle. He’s a bad-faith poster on this issue that realizes he can’t just pump pure uncut agitprop, you have to embed it in seemingly reasonable stuff. The nonsense about insufficient controls over weapons and just asking where they are going is a good example, the question is loaded and contains the disinformation.
  7. This is as good as it gets from him. It’s actually cover to allow people to vote for it and then make angry noises at Europe. He doesn’t say “this aid package is bad” and in fact he says Ukraine survival is important to us. Don’t get me wrong, it’s terrible but it’s not as terrible as it could be and gives just enough to Johnson.
  8. Hold the Fort! Defense focused media gets ad revenue from defense industry? What’s next, GM advertises in Car and Driver? Ballistic missiles are not slow-moving drones.
  9. Those are systems that are in short supply and even Ukraine’s best friends don’t want to pull one out to send to Ukraine. They are in demand on the eastern flank. I see their point. Do we want to lose the Patriot in Rzeszow that guards the lines into Ukraine? Our problem is that we let our production atrophy by believing in the peace dividend.
  10. Yeah, religious groups have an absolute first amendment right to do this just like all associations of citizens. They can’t directly endorse candidates but they can argue all they want for changes in law of policy. Whether they should or not is a theological debate. It is interesting that they didn’t get the memo that Ukraine is anti-Christian. But they do know what happened with the Baptists in Russia.
  11. Purple states are the bigger blocker. “Ok, let’s do this and then my state becomes irrelevant and my special interests less compelling and national leaders stop coming to court me and my voters.”
  12. My grandad was a machine gunner on Higgins Boats for the Navy during the New Guinea campaign. He said that the troops had been warned not to try and wander off alone in the jungle because of cannibal locals. Probably a mix of true and war stories and shit you’d tell 19 year olds to make sure they didn’t do dumb stuff in New Guinea.
  13. Great deep dive on the performance of the F-15E agains the Iranian missiles and drones— and what that means for the F-15EX program. The much discussed proposed sale of several billion dollars in jets and munitions has a big chunk dedicated to F-15EX and air to air capabilities. https://www.twz.com/air/f-15e-strike-eagles-defense-of-israel-bolsters-the-case-for-f-15ex A look at the development chain and clients shows that this is a response to Iran.
  14. If you’re looking for the best Russia proxy in the Congress, it’s not MTG. It’s Senator Vance: Here’s how this ties together: - Delay Ukraine and let Russia keep its assets (obvious). - Delay Taiwan: The PRC is currently keeping Russia’s defense industrial base on life support. Vance wants to keep the PRC comfortable and confident that they can continue to do so and face no real consequences or need to redirect away from supporting Russia. - Border: Keep culture war fanned and attempt to distract Americans from real threats. Vance and his book rose to prominence because of a network of Viktor Orban-tied conservative influencers including Tucker Carlson but also less-known figures like Rod Dreher, formerly of the American Conservative. Dreher now lives in Hungary and works openly for a regime institute. He connected Tucker and Orban and he also plugged in Vance, who also repeats Orban platitudes. If you’re looking at my bet for “malign and not just dumb,” it’s Vance. These consistent takes that align with everything that helps Putin and Orban are just too convenient.
  15. While we are talking about heavy-handed universities, a while back Columbia protesters alleged they had gotten attacked by a chemical weapon and got the Intercept to write breathless articles. https://theintercept.com/2024/01/22/columbia-university-palestine-protest-skunk/ Columbia suspended the chemical attacker whose it turned out, sprayed Amazon prank fart spray (“Liquid Ass” and “Wet Farts”).
  16. “Defense Industrial Base”
  17. He’s not pro-Russia, it’s more nuanced, he just believes that all the things Russia wants just so happen to be good for the United States and the world and also that it’s a smear that Russia interfered in U.S. elections and is involved in active measures. All these beliefs are sincerely held and logical and he just can’t help it that they align perfectly with whatever the Kremlin says. He’s truly sad that America is making Russia kill all these Ukrainians and just hopes for the peace that is on its way as soon as Russia can kill lots of them all at once instead of fewer of them, slowly.
  18. I’ve read that first would be a motion to table, and the Dems could vote to table and that would be it. I think @Js1 knows the inside baseball better. I know MJ would prefer not to have to put his speakership into the hands of the Ds and of course the rightful temptation for them would be to let the GOP eat itself again. But again— how are they feeling about dead Ukrainians because that’s what they chose? It sucks to have to choose principle over political wins but at some point isn’t that what the Ds say they stand for? This isn’t a missed paycheck for feds. It’s Russian missiles crashing into Ukrainian cities.
  19. The Moscow caucus is riding to the rescue. Just so we’re clear, this political fun is going to lead directly to dead Ukrainians.
  20. Don’t wanna go down the CR road, but I think it’s fair on the DT thread to highlight how this sounds to Ukrainians: ”We are having a political debate in the West over whether we can send you our outdated stuff in storage. Have you considered destroying more of what you’re trying to save in the interim?” A country is people and territory. Ukraine has to save as much of both as it can.
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