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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. Motion To Switch Sides Movant OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys reconsiders the benefits of a death cult, having observed his alma mater play Kansas in football…
  2. Or it really did take. “See! After detox there is no noticeable difference in my 5G signal.”
  3. It was an idea that interested me in the eighth grade and not really since.
  4. Mercy. Eleven hundred men went into the water. 316 men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945.
  5. Very cool picture of U.S. about to waste some fools. Just saw this for the first time. Brooklyn Ship Yard. (1) Reprisal (CV-35) (2) Coral Sea, later Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB-42) (3) Kearsarge (CV-33) (4) Oriskany (CV-34) (5) dad's Bon Homme Richard (CV-31) and a shit ton of other stuff.
  6. looking at cold war maps showing all the runways we had in western AK is really cool. you can joke about your service but it is pretty bad ass.
  7. i bate on hayek, so our curriculum had some overlap
  8. the non white one is surprising. they were laggards through early summer at least, if i recall.
  9. my dad and 2000 of his closest friends on the bonny dick
  10. more orphaned children, more mortgages going unpaid, more people driven to fanaticism because of deaths they can't understand is a winning formula, penelope
  11. if ricky was half as cool a javier, he'd have been the star of that family
  12. While I agree, these posts are always funny. (good thing comes out) ”As a little background, you’ll notice the judge is both handsome and has a manly musk.”
  13. the best evidence for this is that people i don't like disagree with it. very familiar theme coming from a particular group.
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