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Everything posted by OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys

  1. if the school wanted to be taken seriously, it would have launched itself as a serious school. they shape their own image. they chose to be the below guy. i'm not obligated to treat them seriously when they voluntarily adopt a non-serious posture.
  2. He’s a great example of the internet’s favorite topic Overton window. He has shifted stuff so far that any R following behind him only has to sound within a mile of sane to be considered credible.
  3. Go back to when you were twenty and watch bottle rocket knowing it was also a bunch of guys that were in their 20s doing it.
  4. reminds me of one of my favorite Onion headlines: Senate approves Nevada nuclear test site 98-2.
  5. yeah, everyone is starting with some level of defenses this winter. Last year we were all at zero.
  6. BE, PLUG, and FCEL. They're all double where I got them a year ago, so you can decide if it is still worth it. But I got those because they are the established brands. If hydrogen has a future, I figure someone that is already established will be the major player.
  7. all women are dq'd from this thread imo because their shelf life is so short. if you slip just a touch on your looks, and that happens to everyone, you aren't guaranteed anything in hollywood. there are very few roles that go to women where looks aren't key, and frances mcdormand gets all those.
  8. tim riggins was not a good act person. glad that coach taylor, tami, vince, and landry are the ones that made best out of that show.
  9. well, it doesn't take much lobbying genius to produce negative PR when you share a name with this:
  10. I picked up 3 hydrogen stocks in october last year as a combination of betting on a D president getting elected and actually having faith that they represent some of the future. They seem to have real potential with fuel cells in factory vehicles like fork lifts and stuff. Some bigger trucks in europe are looking at using them. I think you can't have that massive of an expansion of them without really changing the way we do everything, but I do think certain isolated markets can totally switch to them.
  11. Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, imo
  12. i heard dana carvey talk about not liking the "with him as always is garth" aspect of waynes world as well. carvey felt like he was just helping myers career and insufficient thanks coming to him.
  13. Will my credits from Trump University transfer?
  14. Guy Pearce should be a bigger act person. He had LA Confidential and Memento right together which were both super loved and critically acclaimed. Then he sort of went to supporting guy with just one or two big roles in the 20 years since. Mike Myers isn’t in anything anymore. I guess he’s just rolling around in Shrek money. For real though, Luke Perry deserved the post-teen heartthrob act person treatment Robert Pattinson is getting now. Glad QT featured him in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
  15. Watched Love and Other Drugs. Anne Hathaway for whatever reason in 2010 decided her career was in such a place that she needed to sign up for a terrible movie to give us ample nudity. Movie was just absolute garbage but she is in sex scenes for about half of it. So, you know, Patrick Stewart approved.
  16. This post is bad and you should feel bad. He died whether you realized he died immediately or if it took you a second to days to put the pieces together. But the pieces are there. It’s part of being an interesting storyteller.
  17. Is this going to be one of those crappy weekend things where she just checks in 30 straight weekends and does 60 days that way?
  18. That’s quality filmmaking. The increasing tension. The pacing. 10/10. Would Werner Herzog.
  19. To make this related to this thread: Boo Tillis and Leahy. Don't be out here trying to waste our flava. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20211104/15554147878/senators-tillis-leahy-raise-alarm-about-judge-albrights-patent-forum-selling-waco.shtml Coming after Albright saying he's illegally hogging all the cases based on that most important of all rights: venue. Multi billion dollar companies shouldn't have to try cases in Waco Texas. How can they be expected to travel there twice for hearings in the 2 year life of a patent suit on a tight $6MM/case budget?
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