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  1. i was told for 6 years that donald trump was a threat to democracy. now the dems are are subverting the electoral process to get the candidate they want in? 80 million people voted for joe biden(including me) and now that they are so far behind in every poll they know theyre not going to win they force out a guy thats been in public service for 40 ish years so they can cherry pick who they want? thats called irony.
  2. They’ve got a great children’s hospital they can siphon money from for a long time
  3. We’re getting exactly what we deserve as a country.
  4. I worry we jumped all in on nil and the development piece which should be absolutely fucking massive #1 sell right now has gotten forgotten about with all the Lamborghini bullshit.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/mackenziejackson_/?img_index=1
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/27/middleeast/unrwa-israel-hamas-october-7-allegations-intl/index.html
  7. Turns out the U.N. is as anti-Semitic as some have claimed. https://www.state.gov/statement-on-unrwa-allegations/
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