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Everything posted by NorthTexasCougar

  1. Welcome to the club.... My grandfather spoke Yiddish.
  2. "He's a Pederast..... 8 year olds, dude."
  3. Utah is a backwards state BECAUSE of its politics. From corrupt AG bribery with shady businesses, skewed employment laws and poor funding of public education to laws and regulations that make Texas seem liberal. I would never want to raise my children there. Having lived there for several years, its a beautiful place but can be a bit backwards and behind on certain things. Eventually that will all change. Still wouldn't want to raise a family there though.
  4. The Deep State faceswapped with Mike Pence while wearing a hijab.
  5. With the buffalo horns, I think we could refer to him as Traitor Tatonka.
  6. Judge granted Cudd's request to allow her to go to Mexico. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/us/politics/cudd-texas-florist-mexico.html
  7. also makes you appreciate Costco and how they treat their employees.
  8. It's maddening how Jenna feels no sense of responsibility or guilt for the aftermath of the riot she contributed to, especially as a cop killed in the riot she participated in, lies in state. Patriot my ass.
  9. Not necessarily, it can be done, just need to be creative... https://imgur.com/G5GKC6G
  10. Probably. Fingerhut isn't started carrying fleshlights, keto brownies and their streaming service sucks.
  11. Instacart is the absolute worse at this. Somehow batch pay has mysteriously been cut in half or by two-thirds while the workload of each batch has doubled or more. It's awful. I thought you received just the tip? Because of how he treats his employees like slaves and doesn't pay an honest wage relative to the revenues of the company. It's disgusting.
  12. "Deplorables", is the word you are looking for.
  13. I'd argue that we need more then two parties, more then 3 even. I think having 4 or more would help bring us in line with Europe and the rest of the develop world and help keep our parties honest and seeking to actually serve their constituents if they want to maintain power. Only two or three parties and they don't need to do right by their constituents in order to maintain power, just appeal to emotional elements of their voting bases.
  14. Let's say a friend has a urine drug test coming up on Monday and he had a single hit/puff/whatever of a joint with the sativa strain of weed about 2-3 weeks ago. How long will it be in his system and should he worry about failing the test if its been 2 or 3 weeks? Literally asking for a friend.
  15. Nuts like her argue freedom of religion as long as it favors their beliefs, yet won't allow others the same. What part of "shall make no respect to an establishment of a religion" does she not understand? She's essentially arguing that Christianity should be favored, but we all knew that. Hypocrites.
  16. This. The GOP has essentially enabled him by opposing his impeachment/conviction and now it has emboldened him.
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