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Everything posted by F250

  1. I wonder if this is why the protesters are also protesting U.S. military aid and the U.S. diplomatic stance for Israel that is being directed by the White House.
  2. That's what we said. Just drank our way through it but the next morning sucked. Made a run into Bandera for supplies the next day.
  3. Truth. One time I went on a last second camping trip with a group of buddies and once we were all setup on the Medina river we started slamming beers and shit talking. It was hours before we realized all of the ice chests were filled with beer. Nobody brought water or food, just beer.
  4. Bring a change of clothes. Nobody likes seeing that shit.
  5. I would also add people that wear golf pants to the office to this list.
  6. Both, I had both but I had to work my ass off one summer in middle school for the Powell-Peralta deck, trucks, and wheels.
  7. It means stay off the ledge.
  8. After my tour, I was walking around with my parents when we came upon a booth where some pamphlets were being handed out. Suddenly, this older guy rolls up on a mountain bike wearing some cutoff Jean shorts and tennis shoes. He has long hair and a beard and smells like armpits and pot. He picks up a pamphlet and mumbles something, throws a peace sign and rides off. Someone nearby says "That's my professor." Me and my parents at that moment.
  9. No. I was addressing the similarities between Peterson and Tate. I first came across Peterson about a decade ago when he was giving a talk on Jungian archetypes in modern society. I was interested in it from an evolutionary perspective but he was already off the rails back then and it was clear he was just dressing up misogyny. His message is pretty much the same as Tate’s, no significant difference.
  10. Peterson is a fucking quack that constantly spews misogynistic nonsense like the Tate stream of insanity. The only difference is Peterson wraps up his ramblings in pseudo-intellectual nonsense with Jungian references. Peterson probably fools more people because they can't decipher his psychobabble.
  11. I think that made it worse for a certain segment of men that were rejected by a fire hose of left swipes. The successful ones treat it like Grubhub for sex and drop the facade of politeness giving it the ick factor. Like with all things, dudes ruin everything by chasing off the women and turning it into a sausage party.
  12. I believe the incels have always been among us but were scattered and shamed into the corners of society until the internet united them. I shared a story about an employee that I helped who had all the traits of what is now called an incel. The biggest hurdle for him was overcoming his sense of entitlement and frustration for not being able to date a "Stacey". This was about twenty five years ago and the incel community didn't exist yet. However, he did hang out with this one creep named Russ that fed him a lot of proto-Incel shit. He said this guy Russ had a massive DVD porn collection, spent all his money at strip clubs, frequented Hooters type restaurants and said every hot girl is really just a stripper looking to fleece you. All this talk would just feed his resentment. I managed get him to cut ties with Russ. He needed to be removed from all that negative misogynistic feedback. Eventually this young guy met someone more his speed and developed a relationship. It was hard for him to overcome the influence of one proto-incel if the Red pill community existed back he would have been sucked right into their black hole of anger and despair forever.
  13. I encountered one of these situations at a party in 94/95. I had a small bag of hydro but nothing to smoke it with so this dude said he knew where to get a small bong and there wasn't enough to go around so we stayed upstairs smoking. Out of nowhere this chick who was already wasted pops in asking for a hit. We share and within minutes a group of dudes are in the room and the bedroom door is shut. Several guys are circling her like vultures and starting to get touchy. I intervened by putting my arm around her and saying "can I talk to you for a second?" I walked her to the bedroom door and opened it then told her "you need to go find your friends now" then pushed her out of the room and closed the door. I turned around and blocked the door so nobody would follow her.
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