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Everything posted by F250

  1. It is very similar to bench clearing fights in baseball. Both teams leave the dugout to fight but there is no intention to harm one another and it's more choreography than fighting. It serves a purpose other than actual violence.
  2. F250

    Media Bias

    I regularly listen to Morning Edition/Market Place, All Things Considered, and Science Friday. Let's not forget Texas Public Radio. Texas Matters, Fronteras and The Source which is San Antonio focused. Public Radio is really fucking good.
  3. That cover letter reads like a fake "we visited Kyle stadium and met the world's greatest fanbase" post on Secrant.
  4. Mercedes assumes fault when their vehicle is an accident at L3. Tesla blames the owner for damages when washing the vehicle.
  5. F250

    Media Bias

    Well, they are certainly something only the French would appreciate.
  6. Mercedes is selling Level 3 cars in California and Nevada. Will other traditional auto manufacturers leap frog Tesla as well, turning Tesla into the next Sega Dreamcast? https://fortune.com/2024/04/18/mercedes-self-driving-autonomous-cars-california-nevada-level-3-drive-pilot/
  7. F250

    Media Bias

    The Steve Inskeep article was a good read. He does a solid job of highlighting some of the unsupported claims by Berliner, especially the Israel-Palestine topic.
  8. F250

    Media Bias

    IMO, NPR is for members of polite society that use their passports, debate on which university to send their kid to, choose Target over Walmart, only purchase Apple devices, overpay for coffee, used to buy Teslas and donate to NPR without a second thought. It's not a beacon of leftwing journalism. It's for people that like to sniff their farts.
  9. F250

    Media Bias

    This would be fairly accurate except I believe the Asians are a much smaller audience.
  10. F250

    Media Bias

    The last time I checked demographic numbers, the NPR audience was predominantly white upper-middle class America with a similar amount registered R and D voters. It is bougie as fuck more than anything else.
  11. Baby steps. First apartheid then indentured servitude and eventually slavery.
  12. How long before someone tweets the economic benefits of reinstating slavery and Elon replies with an "interesting"?
  13. Exactly, this is a scenario that can occur in any school zone in the country.
  14. F250

    Media Bias

    I read a few articles about this earlier and the common theme was this isn't a recent thing and these issues predate Berliner's career at NPR so his assertion that this is a recent development is odd.
  15. But he's blek and literally shit talking whites from a "Muslim" cultural perspective. The push back he is getting from the "Evropa" types is pretty unsettling. His rant is anti-Western and he intended to get the Neo-Nazis frothing at the mouth for their hatred of the browns. Jesus, the whole thing is horrible.
  16. F250


    I did not know until now that there was a Wayne's World 2.
  17. F250


    As an 80's kid, anytime there is ninja action in these serious Japanese flicks like The Last Samurai, I get excited.
  18. F250


    Wtf is happening here? 65 year old Garth getting a beej?
  19. What boggles the mind about the Cybertruck is the price. If I was going to spend that amount of money on a "truck" I'd just buy a King Ranch.
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