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Everything posted by F250

  1. People have a right to protest but (starts rambling nonsense about Yaroslav the Wise)...
  2. Alcohol induced dementia fucks with one's ability to think.
  3. Fitlump is an alumnus of Harvard so we should consider everything she has to say regarding campus protests.
  4. You are obsessed with Tate and gay sex and there is nothing wrong with that. I support and embrace all lifestyles so no judgment from me. If you secretly desire to be fucked or fuck Andrew Tate that is perfectly fine and acceptable. Just be your true self and everything else will fall into place.
  5. I'm not an experienced moderator but I would suggest replying to all those reports with dick pics. The idea that grown men run off to the mods complaining about this kind of thing just bottles the mind.
  6. Tate’s a regard saying outrageous shit for clicks. He should just be ignored. The breeding talk is real popular in right wing circles and he is just trying to tap into the conservative zeitgeist to remain relevant.
  7. This has been the case for my first two kids but yesterday my youngest son called me up saying something about having to do his FAFSA again to register for fall classes. I told him what you said, we only do FAFSA once which he did his senior year in high school.
  8. F250


    If you want to see a movie that is similar to Shogun I would suggest Ran. It covers shogunate politics with epic battle scenes. Personally, I like Ran more than Shogun. Akira Kurosawa who also made Seven Samurai and Yojimbo made this movie.
  9. Yeah, in terms of DC resources it would make sense but that's not what he is inferring in his statement. But this is a very common theme with Elon. He often says things that sound like he doesn't really understand the topic and is just repeating what he heard someone else say. Which makes sense because he is a bullshit artist. What really bugs me about this is not that he bullshits so much but the media always treats his commentary as something worthy of reporting. If someone like that quack Stang talks about his theory of everything people rightfully laugh and mock him. When Elon does it people take him seriously.
  10. This makes absolutely no sense and is nothing like what lead to AWS. Elon is just talking out of his asshole.
  11. F250


    Here are some fairly recent ones that I thought were really good. 13 Assassins The Twilight Samurai The Last Ronin Hara Kiri
  12. F250


    Nope, that was just a dream. He is never going to leave Japan.
  13. F250


    Yeah, I got that hence the WTF reaction. Up until that point all of his pawn sacrifices were wrapped up in Japanes duty and fate bullshit. It wasn't until that scene that he revealed he did it for the lulz. Toranaga: "I'm going to start chopping heads off to test Anjin. Also, Anjin doesn't serve any value but I find him amusing." Fucking psycho.
  14. F250


    It's a single season series. No mas.
  15. F250


    Was I the only one like this after hearing Toranaga's explanation of testing Anjin by torturing the villagers?
  16. F250


    Could have used one more episode.
  17. Texas students in a few years.
  18. We need to send a few hundred of these things to Ukraine.
  19. F250


    Yeah, I know my kids received the vaccine. I was wondering if it was something we all got in elementary. I was an infant in '75 so I assume I must have received it by the time I entered kindergarten in the 80's. The last time I saw my pediatric medical records they were a stack of papers in a folder being filed away at Fort Sam Houston. Now I am curious what the military does with all those old medical records.
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